Dr. Precious Boyle Reminds Us to Speak Up – Dr. Precious Boyle
As part of our celebration of Black History Month, Dr. Precious Boyle joins the show to remind us to speak up and not be silent. She and Tonya Dawn Recla, host of The Science of Superpowers host, talk about how we can create spaces that allow for everyone to develop fully into themselves and know their authentic voice. Precious provides valuable insight into the importance of pursuing our own developmental process and how we can leverage that to create a better world moving forward. Don’t miss this powerful episode on the importance of speaking up.

The Superpower Network celebrates Black History Month
In honor of priceless contributions to the betterment and welfare of us all. Let’s shine brightly on the 2023 theme of Resistance as we uplift the efforts of so many who endeavored against great odds to show us the light. May we walk side-by-side to heal the past so we can step forward together. We love you, love each other.
Tonya Dawn Recla:
Hello everyone and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. I’m really excited to be here today I have with us Dr. Precious Boyle. Hi Precious, how are you?

Dr. Precious Boyle:
I am wonderful. How are you? How’s it going?
Tonya Dawn Recla:
Fabulous. I’ve been looking forward to this conversation in the private Precious is something else that if you go to her site and you look around for a little bit, you’re gonna see me you’re gonna feel her heart in this right her side is silentrocked.com. And she is all about getting into the heart of things, right? The heart of us the heart of people, what are we doing? Is it working for us? Right really helping us see that that is a line we can follow to have a more rich, more full experience of our life. And to more fully express how we are right. And sometimes it takes a little bit just a bit for us to figure that out.
And so we’re going to talk a lot about that today. As we talk about how Dr. Precious blow reminds us to speak up. And so thank you for joining us today Precious. I’m going to read our support statement that the Superpower Network celebrates Black History Month in honor of priceless contributions to the betterment and welfare of us all. Let’s shine brightly on the 2023 theme of resistance as we uplift the efforts of so many who endeavored against great odds to show us the light. May we walk side by side to heal the past so we can step forward together. We love you and love each other.
Precious, welcome. And thank you so much for being here. And we’re gonna say what are your superpowers? And how do you use them for good?
Dr. Precious Boyle:
First of all, I love the idea of naming them superpowers because that’s exactly what they are and how I use them. I think synergism is one of our eyes. So a lot of what I do is bringing people together. So literally it can be a conference and after the conference, I’m pinging all the people I met and was like, Hey, let’s hop on a zoom and talk about all the things or like even just any random conversations, I bring people together for the good for whatever purpose might be.
So synergism I think is definitely part of one of my superpowers. The other I think is connection. So oftentimes, especially in coaching, or in speaking, I’m looking for connection, and I’m looking to make a connection. And that connection then becomes the foundation of everything else. Beautiful. That connection in that trust happens in connection. So definitely synergism and connection, I think are my top two superpowers that show up in probably every single area of my life, especially in the work that I do.
Tonya Dawn Recla:
Brilliant, right? I love that it takes me back to Justin and I, my husband, we met teaching at the counter Intel Special Agent course. And we taught to get we taught in group out group dynamics, which I brought forward from intercultural communication and critical race theory and everything else to bring into the space of like, look like they’re just exactly what you’re talking about. I mean, they’re teaching rapport and everything else. And in that world, it’s all a different language, right? It’s but essentially, what you’re talking about, like, what are our commonalities? Right, what are the things that make us more similar than less? And, can we sort of build from there? Right, and so so I love that that’s in the work that you do. And so talk to us a little bit about Silent rock, what a phenomenal name, like, tell us where that came from and what the passion was behind that.
Dr. Precious Boyle:
Yeah, so silent rocked comes from the passage in the Bible, where literally, Jesus is saying, like, if they don’t speak up, the rocks will cry out. I don’t want rocks to cry out, I want us to be living and being who we say we are, and what we represent and living out loud, whatever that is, so that we are not like seeing rocks cry out for us and saying what we should be saying, with our words and with our actions. So that’s where the silent rock came from.
Tonya Dawn Recla:
Fabulous. That, you know, it’s funny, it’s part of the network. The idea for the network actually came from many conversations we were having goodness back in the early 2000s. That sounds like eons ago now. Around You know, successful business people like we were kind of on this case study if social scientists like who’s successful and why right what is it and what we found was at least success as we were defining which was sort of a loving their life holistic like the business isn’t supportive of a world that they want to live in that they want to be in and where they shine.
There was this element of either a religious undertone a spiritual undertone, some sort of belief or practice that was guiding them and for some, it was simply just you know, the light or trusting in you know, some sort of universal concept for a lot it was was a little more religious-oriented, but there was a common thread of some belief or something that guided them through the moments when, you know, worlds are colliding. And you’re like, Well, what are we going to choose here? And I think a lot of us hit that during the pandemic, if we didn’t already have a really strong foundation, we found that that might have been really helpful. You know, we saw people responding differently because they had some sort of belief structure versus people who did it and what that meant for them. And so it’s it, it’s interesting when we hear behind a lot of businesses behind a lot of inspiration is, is exactly that some sort of belief structure that fuels it that supports it, that gives us that extra courage. When it’s hard and you know, intellectuals, we’d like to throw a lot of the religions out, because it’s, they’re hard, they’re hard to prove they’re, they’re messy. Yeah. But undeniably, what we found in our spaces is that through all the any of the, you know, whatever you can connect into, there’s something that gets taught about a relationship, a connection, or confidence in the world. Right. And, and then from there, right, and also the people of the world, right, like, and so there’s this developmental process that we go through if we allow religious or spiritual beliefs to evolve us. Exactly. Yeah. Stay caught up in you know, what’s true, what’s not true? Is it real is not real? It’s like, well, we don’t quite know. And we may never know. But that doesn’t mean we can’t use them.
Dr. Precious Boyle:
Use it. It’s effective. Exactly. So our default is that this is ministry. So when it gets hard this is the ministry, I literally pray before every interaction, Lord, let me just be a vessel for whatever it is, this person would have me what you would have me to do or say that this person needs to hear or experience in our time together. Because I want to make sure that this is grounded in who he is not who I am, I’m just the vessel for what it is that he’s trying to get you to see or experience or field in the time we have together.
Tonya Dawn Recla:
That’s right. And we built exclusively that way. And to your point, it really does allow for jumping over some pretty big hurdles, like your world crafting, like you’re basically saying, I’m changing my stripes. And every time you do it, it’s like, Well, wait, what happened? Where did we go and, you know, in our world, because it’s superpowers, we call it quantum leaping and shifting realities and all of the language that we like to use. But it’s a very real experience. And we’ve had similar and I would say that the CIFAR modality that we utilize the creative energy field activation was born out of exactly that because we can’t adjust and I both came from some sort of familiarity and a messianic tradition, right? And we’re, and I got to baptize him a few years ago, and then we baptized our daughter. And, we see that in a very, probably a large scope perspective is what I would say a unifying perspective, right?
To us. We use faith in our belief structures as a unifying concept, in terms of like, it really is available to everybody. And how we get there is, you know, guided is sort of what we believe and so so centering around a creative energy focus allows us to say, Hey, look at the heart of it, what we believe is that we are all creative individuals now. And that connects us to creation, creator, and other creatives, right? We don’t know how, like, we can argue all day about the ins and outs. But at the end of it, we know, somehow, someway, we have a creative element, there’s a spark, and we believe that it’s reflective of something bigger, and we start there. That’s right. That’s exactly right. If we can start there and share from there, now we see those commonalities.
And what we found is that just the practice of being able to relax into that, even if you’re not sure what it means for you, provides solace provides comfort provides peace of mind provides the ability to think clearly outside of a preconditioning program, right? It cuts the patterns of behavior so we can be present to what is. And to me, that is the definition of that connection. And so that’s quite the little trajectory that we went on. And I love that it’s coming up in the conversation around speaking up because what I got a little frustrated with, with the fact that no one was admitting to it. It’s like you’ve been successful in business, but you’re not really giving credit where credit is due, which is to some sort of higher power that’s guiding it through you.
And we’re doing people a disservice to pretend that that’s not present. And so where can we need to cut to break as we went? Well, that was fun. That was a good little ride. Glad you got to join us on that little ride that was enjoyable. Before we cut your break. Make sure you’re checking out preciouses workovers Silent rocks.com Where else do you want to send people to find out more about you?
Dr. Precious Boyle:
Yes, Silent Rocked is the perfect place, because there’s so much there. But you can also follow me always on Instagram or Facebook, or LinkedIn. Those are the places where you’ll see us living and breathing and sharing a lot there.
Tonya Dawn Recla:
Really, I love that. And, for those of you out there, make sure you go check out Precious stuff and get over to superpowerexperts.com If you want to learn more about CEFA, and how that can work in your life, to bring that a little bit more calm and confidence. So we will be right back after the break. Right now today here is on The Science of Superpowers. Dr. Precious Boyle reminds us to speak up we will be right back following this short break.
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