Laura Layla Centorrino coaches and mentors women and couples. She’s well-informed by her intuitive brilliance in life cycles and connections to the sacred mysteries. Her work empowers people to navigate, with awareness and skill, the inner and outer worlds of conscious living. Laura’s work supports awareness and wholeness on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, sexual, spiritual, and energetic. She also has a niche for teaching healthy energetic boundaries. In this SLSP episode, Laura teaches us how to have self-respect in the bedroom. Tune in! You’re in for a real treat!
Hello everyone, and welcome to The Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast. I’m your host Tatiana Berindei, and I am here today with Laura Layla Centorrino and we’re going to be talking about how to have self-resect in the bedroom. I’m so excited about this topic, and about who I’m talking with.
Layla is a seasoned wise woman guide, a world-bridger and a woo whisperer. She coaches and mentors women and couples, informed by her intuitive brilliance, honor and knowledge of life cycles and connection to the sacred mysteries.

Conscious baby making
Layla’s work empowers people to navigate with awareness and skill, the inner and outer worlds of conscious living and relating. Layla supports awareness and wholeness on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, sexual, spiritual, and energetic with her gifts as a sematic body worker, and her guidings and teachings of healthy, energetic boundaries, gender alchemy, womb wisdom, ceremonial menstruation, and conscious baby making.
In her decades of personal training, cultivation, private practice and group work, she’s gathered a magical bag of tools and modalities to play and serve with, and I am so excited to have her on the podcast today.
So, welcome Layla to The Sex, Love and Superpowers Podcast.
Thank you. So excited to be here.
Yeah, excited to have you. So, here at superpower experts, we like to ask everybody this very important question, as we are empowering everyone to hone their superpowers: I wanna know what your superpowers are?
Well, definitely one of my superpowers is my clairvoyant psychic and intuitive brilliance and energy and I feel really blessed to have grown up in a house where that was normal. My mom and sisters had premonitions of who was calling and who was at the door and dreams, and things like that. So, I feel super blessed that that was actually a normal thing, even though it wasn’t super developed yet in my family, that I had permission to know that, to know that those were “Normal”, and usual.
And definitely, one of my superpowers is that I’m a tracker. Whether that’s tracking cycles, tracking as above, so below, the astrology and the celestial movements. Whether its tracking with my clients, their breathing or their trackers or their energy or whether that’s tracking the larger cycles of the decades and the generations, and things like that. So, I’m definitely a tracker, I’m watching and I’m seeing and I’m observing and collecting data and that leads into my superpower as a world bridger, as I have that data, I also have the superpower bridging the seen and the unseen worlds.
And so, putting things together and really understanding that to create the new world we want, we have to build it both from what we know up, and we have to create the other side of the bridge from the unseen to the seen, from the magical to this dimension.
So, that’s definitely one of my superpowers and the ability to see the big picture and the details. To see the big arc, and to go like “Oh, okay, lets focus here.” To really be both cosmic, and grounded. And this phrase that I use that ascentionism embodiment process, and I feel both working, because I’m a body worker. It’s like working from the extremities to the center and working from the center to the extremities. Being able to move in both directions and have a fluidity.
And I definitely feel like one of my superpowers is being a queer two-spirit non-binary person, someone who’s danced across the spectrum of gender and identity and sexuality and the way that that gives me a certain ground in sight of my own being, that is not completely informed by cultural norms. I have permission in myself, and then clearly, all the work I’ve done with my own menses and my blood and bleeding consciously and being a ceremonial person, and being connected to the natural world through both the old religion, the old way from Europe where my people are from as well as indigenous practices of the continent, if not America, where I live.
Being in connection with the nature and the cycles of life and time and the rising sun and the seasons and keeping that pagan, Wiccan, Celtic wheel of life that moves through the cycles and equinox, as in solstices.
So, I really live by natural time. And that really allows me as well to operate with my own compass, and operate in my own connection and a certain confidence that the culture doesn’t always give us, by any means, on the contrary. Most of us are running up against time, all the time, because the time constructs we’re living in are so fabricated, but they’re disconnected from the natural world and in one regard, from the true reality in the sacred law.
Yeah, absolutely. That’s a rare thing nowadays, to be living in accordance with natural law. I was actually talking to my daughter about that yesterday. She was talking about dangerous animals, and I said “You know, I think humans are actually some of the most dangerous animals, because we’re the only ones who have figured out how to live outside of natural law.”
That’s so important, I’m so happy you said that to your daughter.
Tell me a little bit about your clients, who comes to work with you and why?
Well, I definitely have a number of amazing women that are superpower women. My website is currently called “The Artemis Woman”. And so, women that are really wanting and knowing how in their sovereignty that are really connected to their powers, but also wanting to have mentoring and coaching, particularly around …

A lot of the women I work with are real visionaries.
A lot of the women I work with are really visionaries, they’re dreamers, they’re psychics, they’re empaths, they’re people that are sensitive, and so really learning how to bridge that into the current world we live in, how to manage our boundaries and energy, how to be aware of other people’s energies, and new ways that we can do that and deeply get embodied and grounded, so I definitely am working with people around these healthy boundaries, and also the templates for that, which most of us didn’t receive.
I also am working with people that are wanting to get pregnant, and are in relationship, around conscious relating and intimacy coaching and helping people, in particularly ones that want to have babies really do the work to set the ground to understand and step into even more consciously, what it’s like to steward the future generations to come to earth.
Similarly, I work with people already pregnant, in helping them commune with the soul of their child and their human that’s coming, because the soul is already whole, they’re not a baby, but it will become a human baby.
And so, helping with clearing the womb, I work a lot with women of all stages of life around, really connecting with both the menstrual mysteries, but also just so much that we carry in our wombs. Because, our womb is the place that bridges the seen and the unseen realms, and as women, we receive into our yoni and oftentimes we’re holding things there. We may be holding things for our mothers and our loved ones, and also the memories of thousands of years of the patriarchy.
So, there’s a lot of stuff that we’re holding in our wombs. So, for the women to really drop into that very sacred, unique portal and power place that is uniquely feminine, is really at the root of a lot of what I do and what the couples, helping the men and the women, and whatever gender people are having babies, and bringing in children, to do the work, just start decoding some of their programming and start examining some of their beliefs around male/female baby/father/mother/ there’s so many cultural familial, religious, social media, so many programs that we’ve received.
So, really supporting people to get connected to who they are, what they believe, what they want to believe, so that they can move forward with a lot of confidence and connection and intimacy between the couple and most importantly, self-respect and connection with ourselves.
Yeah, I wanna talk more about that and how that plays out. You do some work with sexuality and around this idea. We’re here talking about how to have self-respect in the bedroom, what are some of the ways you navigate that with couples and with some of the individual women that you work with?
Yes. It’s so big. Just self-respect in general, just respecting ourselves, it’s such an important piece and so, this work with the “Down there”, like a lot of us have a “Down there”. And in our culture, we don’t even have good words.
Right. No one even wants to talk about it.
“Down there”.
Vagina, Yoni. And then all of the slang and derogatory words that we try to pick up to empower ourselves, “Pussy power” and things like this. But, how do we really get comfortable being with ourself, in our sex? And, whether you’re a man or a woman, there’s so many things that are happening, including so many violations and perpetrations. The statistics are off the hook now, of people that have had some kind of perpetration, or something in their life that was less than fantastic, that’s happened to them relative to their sex. Relative to being a woman or being a particular gender in a particular situation.
So, as I work with people, first off, we have to tease that apart. And, it’s about the mind, but it’s also about the emotions and it’s also about the body, because these things become written on our body and in our body.
And so, there’s lots of hidden and not so hidden things that we’re dealing with. Comparing ourselves to others is so big for women, if you’re dealing with your own body image, whatever way that is. I’d say most people, even men now, are rally suffering from a lot of body image, and also just embarrassment and shame, and so much of that could be inherited. So much of that could be just having a modes parent who didn’t know how to deal with their little boy changing his diaper. We take on those things, we get template through our nervous system, all of these things from our parents and families.
So, in the session work that I do, we are really decompressing some of that, both energetically, and physically. Emotionally and mentally. And then, there’s process of empowerment. Of really calling yourself in, of claiming your pleasure. Claiming your body. Getting to know yourself. Getting to know what you like, mapping your own pleasure pathways. This is something that many people haven’t done. We’ve just had these sexual experiences and it’s a little hit or miss, this kind of works some of the time.

Bringing in the menstrual mysteries
One of the other big pieces is bringing in the menstrual mysteries, because the truth is, that a woman is four different people, every month. The depth of the hormonal changes that a woman goes through, she is literally like a different person every week.
And so, a woman needs to know herself, and be able to work with her partner, whoever her partner is, whatever gender her partner is. But you think all of this is particularly confusing for the men, because one week, “Oh, you really want to come in and, be all juicy and come up behind you and give you some kisses”. And then the next week, right before you’re bleeding, you’re like “Get off of me, why do you always want stuff from me? I need some space!” And he’s just like “Uh, okay.”
And then you’re like, “Give me a massage. Take care of me.” And the next week, you’re like “Don’t touch me.” So, the ways of the women, we don’t even understand what’s happening hormonally in our bodies, and a lot of times, we’re making the other people bad or wrong, or they’re feeling rejected and there’s so much stiff that’s happening in this space, because we’re not really aware of our own changes, and what we particularly, as women, but also for men, but what we want and need at the different times during our cycle.
Yeah. This is such important information, and we’re gonna dive into it more in just a moment. We need to take a quick break, but you’ve been listening Laura Layla Centorrino talk about how to have self-respect in the bedroom, and we are gonna go into the high vibe deep dive when we get back in just a few minutes.
To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.
Music Credit: All instruments played by Amanda Turk. Engineered and produced by Tatiana Berindei and Daniel Plane
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