Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers Podcast Show. I am your host Tatiana Berindei. Today I have with me Umoh Luna and we are going to be discussing body confidence and business branding. This is going to be a really juicy conversation today.
Let me tell you a little bit about Umoh Luna. She is the Founder of Sacred Branding and a spiritual guide, business strategist, and brand midwife. I love that. She works with soulful, and ambitious women entrepreneurs who have big messages, big hearts, and big missions. She teaches how to create a brand that’s soulful and sacred that also does the selling for you.
Her expertise is in blending the sacred and the strategic, busting up visibility blocks, positioning yourself properly in the marketplace, and standing out from the crowd are her specialties. She’s created a unique and unorthodox system combining the 12 traditional branding archetypes with the 12 astrological signs.
Her system teaches you how to craft your brand’s story, message an identity from your personal birth chart to magnetize ideal clients, opportunities, raving fans, and kindred spirits. She’s helped her clients to double and sometimes even triple their income while staying in integrity and always coming from love. Welcome to the show, Umoh.
Yeah, thank you.
Yeah. I’m really, really happy to have you here. Before we dive into this topic of body confidence and business branding, will you please tell our listeners what your superpowers are?
Sure. Well, I’d say one of my superpowers is channeling sexual energy. That’s some behind the scenes stuff that I do that’s different with my work.
Well, that’s relevant for this show.
Yeah, right.
Say more, say more.

Sexual energy is also just life’s force energy.
Well, sexual energy is also just life’s force energy. It’s also extremely attractive energy. There’s an element of sexual attraction with your clients and your audience in a certain way, right.
Yeah. I definitely want to dive into that a little bit more because there’s so much in there.
Okay, cool.
And then another one of my superpowers is that I’m really good at just bringing people into a certain energetic bubble where it’s easy for them to see a different perspective and shift and let go.
Beautiful, beautiful. I love it. Let’s dive into this whole conversation around sexual attraction with your clients because that can so quickly and easily get thrown in some really crazy ways, right. I feel like we have a responsibility going into a position of … There’s a power dynamic when clients hire us, right.
I don’t necessarily need to spin a positive or negative light on that. It just is so. You’re hiring someone, you’re asking for their advice. You are abdicating a certain level of your power over to them in that dynamic.
And that can so easily, and we’ve seen it, so easily and quickly get thrown in a really negative light, right.
People have been hurt. People have been sexually abused. There’s a lot of stuff that has happened in that arena, right.
I would love to hear you talk about how you use that in a healthy way because I think that’s an education that a lot of people desperately need.
Yeah. Okay, yeah, yeah. Well, first let’s frame it a little bit. Yes, definitely I’m not saying to sleep with your clients, or anything like that.
Let’s just get that one out of the way.
Yeah. Yeah. I don’t advise or advocate that.
Sex on the SuperPowers Show does not endorse sleeping with your client.
Let’s just be clear. I’ve never done that before. I don’t plan on it. And then I’ll secondly say that the vast majority of my clients are women, and so it’s a different kind of dance.
But there’s something there. When women see other women who they perceive as sexually attractive there is a magnetism that happens. I’ve heard the word tumescence get used where when a woman is really in her sexual power she has a certain amount of tumescence, right. It’s this attractive energy and it’s attractive to both men and women alike, whether you want to sleep with that person, or not it’s an attractive energy.
Exactly. That’s more what I’m talking about. I actually don’t know that word, but it sounds good. The way you’re describing it is capturing the energy, right. This is the other piece. It’s not about taking any sort of action, right. To me, that’s where the messiness and the crossed lines are.
I have male clients and there is frequently some sort of sexual tension there. To me, I just use that fuel for the coaching. I am always aware of making sure there’s very clear boundaries, right, so that’s really important as you’re playing with this energy.
And like you said, being aware of that power dynamic and making sure that you’re using it correctly, right. That you’re using your power, for me, I think of it to make sure it’s coming in a healthy way. It’s I’m using my power to uplift them. I’m using my power to show them and hold up a mirror of their greater self that holds space for that. That’s where I’m focusing my power, not in making them doing anything, or have them interact with me a certain way, or respond to me a certain way.
Yeah, totally, totally. I love that concept of the mirror. It’s like, but this is what’s possible. I’m holding myself, in myself, in the fullest version of myself, which includes my sexually, and that’s what’s accessible. That’s what I’m showing you what is possible. I love that you’re modeling healthy boundaries and how to do that in a really safe way, right. Because I think we do get stuck in this idea that oh, there’s sexual energy that means that I have to take action with it. [crosstalk]. That means that I have to sleep with that person. But it’s purely an energy, right. It is one of the most powerful energies on the planet. I mean it has the power to create life.
Right. And that is powerful.

The way I talk about branding is being really honest, and vulnerable, and authentic.
Yes. Because the way our psyche is we have so much shame and guilt and all this just crap around sexual energy, and not just sex, but sexual energy, everything. I make it a point to show my cleavage, and stuff like that because that’s part of who I am. The way I talk about branding is being really honest, and vulnerable, and authentic. I’m a very sexual person. That’s an important part of my energy and who I am, so I’m not gonna hide that because I want to be professional, or whatever. Do you know what I mean?
That’s how I started to play with this energy, and then I was just trying to be myself. And then I notice I mean more and more that’s actually attracting people. The sexual part is attracting people and it’s not a bad thing. It’s just a life thing. Do you know what I mean?
Mm-hmm. Yeah, yes, exactly. We are attracted to that, which is thriving, that which is alive. We want to move towards that.
Yes, and there’s nothing more alive than sex, or sexual energy.
That is when you feel most alive.
For sure, for sure.
Yeah, hopefully.
That’s a whole other show.
We’ll cover that in another episode.
Okay. We need to go to a quick break, and when we get back we’re gonna dive more into this, the relationship between body confidence and business branding because I think that, that’s really huge. But before we go to break will you tell our listeners where they can go to find out more about you?
Yes. You can find me at sacredbranding.com. That’s my website. You can come and play with me on Facebook. I’m there a lot and I post a lot of things. I’m always open to connecting with new people that resonate with who I am and what I’m doing, so definitely come play with me over there.
Awesome. We’ve been talking with Umoh Luna. When we get back we’re gonna dive more into body confidence and business branding, so stayed tuned. This is going to be a good one.
To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.
Music Credit: All instruments played by Amanda Turk. Engineered and produced by Tatiana Berindei and Daniel Plane reelcello.com
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