The DECU show showcases universal Face Readings (Dermal Expresion Cellular Upgrade) to reprogram your cells to High Frequency Realities. DECU is an energetic process that reads toxic programs of the cells allowing you to change your very reflection and ascend your cellular intelligence to the NEW You. Our Master Certified DECU Practitioners tap into the universal master cell and clear away density advancing all those that listen to advance human potential! Listen today and experience what it means to Reprogram your cells to Reprogram your Life!
Jewels Arnes
Jewels Arnes experienced a deepened and expanded connection and more open line of communication with her Soul family, The Council of Light. Jewels felt an irrefutable calling to raise the frequency of humanity. Through the synergy of connecting with her soul family, these things revealed themselves to be ORMUS Elements (monatomic gold), and Scalar Energy.
Would you like to know how you can go about discovering your true self with DECU? On this episode of DECU host Kathy Read is joined by co-host Yvonne Zook where they are discussing [...]
How do you deal with control and separation? How can the community help bridge this divide? In this episode of DECU, host Kathy Read and Denise Kilonsky answer these questions and more. Kathy and [...]
Are you looking at readjusting your focus and reprogramming your life? If your answer is yes, then this show is the one for you. In this debut episode of DECU: Reprogram Your Cells, Reprogram [...]