The Frequency of Love
By far the most powerful mind-twist to adopt in your life is shifting from perceiving love as an emotion or feeling or obligation and instead seek to find love at its essence. In this final message of the Love Harder IM Series, we explore the elusive holy grail of life mastery — the frequency of love. As we attune ourselves to first perceive and then embody the frequency of love, we cross a threshold of existence that most people never know to dream for. Join us as we explore spaces beyond and find the answers to the connection that calls from the depths of our souls and compels us to Love Harder.
Podcast: Love Harder on Disrupt Reality with Tonya Dawn Recla
Podcast: Love Heals
Podcast: Build a reality based in self love
Book: Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents
Training: Super Power Programs