Synthesizer to Creator
As we wrap up the Consumer to Creator IM Series, we arrive at the pinnacle transformation from synthesizer to creator. Of all the steps in the journey from human to new human, this is one of the most difficult. As we step closer to truly realizing our innate and God-given ability to connect directly with Spirit and allow Divine power to move through us, we start touching that place of creation. It’s in this phase that we finally become convicted of the absolute necessity of the first two stages. Without the foundation of combined receptivity and synthesis, it’s impossible to move into co-creation with Source. We simply cannot conceive of something that seemingly out-of-reach without committed, disciplined, step-by-step dedication to stripping away all that isn’t.
Join Tonya now as she ties up this series with a beautiful depiction of what’s possible through full communion with God and how to get there.
Book: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
Book: Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Book: The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer
Book: W.A.R. – Watch, Assess, React: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Power and Safety by Tonya Dawn Recla
Podcast: Searching for a Savior on Disrupt Reality with Tonya Dawn Recla
Article: On Being Superheroes: How Multidimensional Existence Requires Super-Sizing the Hero’s Journey by Tonya Dawn Recla}
Training: Super Power Programs