Consumer to Receiver
In this series, we start with acknowledging that most of us were born into a consumer-driven existence and even the best of parents find countering that culture very difficult and impossible to do completely. From there we can see how our world perspectives shaped around that concept. But as we lift up our heads and notice that there are other ways of beingness, we’re able to disentangle from consumption energy and move into receiving energy. This allows us to hear, feel and sense Spirit guiding us to consumer from a receptive place. Consumption as an act isn’t a problem. However, if we’re consuming without guidance from Source or, at the very least, some degree of awareness, we stay stuck in a never-ending loop of dissatisfaction. Being open and receptive allows us to hear Spirit more clearly and attune our receivers so we can get better and better at detecting lower frequency energy tugs on us.Â
In this week’s message, Executive Director Tonya Dawn Recla brings on Tatiana Berindei, host of Sex, Love and SuperPowers on the SuperPower Up! Network. They talk about very practical and simple steps you can take to move yourself from being an unconsciously competent consumer to becoming a consciously aware receiver. Watch this powerful and impactful message to learn how this step will walk you closer to soulful success.
Book: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
Book: Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Book: The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer
Book: W.A.R. – Watch, Assess, React: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Power and Safety by Tonya Dawn Recla
Podcast: Searching for a Savior on Disrupt Reality with Tonya Dawn Recla
Article: On Being Superheroes: How Multidimensional Existence Requires Super-Sizing the Hero’s Journey by Tonya Dawn Recla
Training: Super Power Programs