Intuition Tops the List of Most Powerful Super Powers
without the need for conscious reasoning.
Without discovering and using your intuition, you cannot effectively and accurately hone your other Super Powers. Intuition requires high degrees of trust in your ability to “know” truth for yourself. For some, the journey into discovering their intuition starts as a frustrating game. It seems intuition whispers and whispers and whispers and then Whack! it knocks you upside the head.The process to honing your intuition is to listen when you hear the whispers. “BUT,” you’re asking, “how do I hear the whispers?” Or, better yet, “How do I know if it’s really my intuition or if it’s my fear piping in?”
Ah…yes…therein lies the reason why so many people never move into fully mastering their intuition. The key in the definition above is “without the need for conscious reasoning.” And, I agree, sometimes it’s difficult to discern.
My process was to hone my intuition using oracle and tarot cards. I know, I know, it was a surprise to me, as well. I was a Counterintelligence Agent with the government at the time. Nothing could’ve been more uncomfortable than for me to move into that space. Regardless, I found the cards helped my mind quiet down so I could really “listen” to my intuition. Once I got comfortable doing readings for myself I began doing them for family and friends. That launched me on a trajectory of intuitive coaching and guiding — ultimately leading to my Oracle status.
If cards don’t appeal to you, then try sensing the energy from a vibrational resonance. If it feels expansive, then it’s intuitive. If it feels constrictive, then it’s fear. Or, “Light is right.”
Whether you choose the path of intuitive card reading or simply make a pact to listen to the whispers more, developing a solid relationship with your intuition changes everything. Decision-making gets easier and saying “no” to what isn’t a good fit becomes effortless. It is well worth your effort to hone your Intuition Super Power.