How can women awaken their gifts, their sisterhood, and their intuitive capacity? In this episode of High-Frequency Healing, host AngelaMarĂ­a talks about her interview with Lina Correa, Creator of the project Amar Ser Mujer, (loving to be a woman) a community for the awakening of feminine energy from self-love, from the wisdom of the body and the accompaniment of the feminine divinity. AngelaMarĂ­a says that Lina is convinced that when you open yourself to your cyclicality, life is transformed and everything acquires meaning. Join AngelaMarĂ­a to awaken your gifts and discover how the menstrual blood and our uterus (whether you have it physically or not) are allies.

Hello, this is AngelaMarĂ­a, one of the SuperPower Up! hosts. And you’re listening to High-Frequency Healing Show: Awaken SuperPowers through Higher Dimension Healing. The only difference between where you are to where you want to be is the actions you take. Here and now to heal your life. Today, I will tell you about my interview with Lina Correa. The feminine, the sacred woman, water and earth, female therapist, communicator at the service of light, moon mother formed by Miranda Gray. Menstrual therapist formed by Suma, Reiki master, a biologist with intentional work on the feminine, the uterus, and the self-knowledge of women.

Activate Your Superpowers

Lina is the creator of the project. Loving to be a woman, a community for the awakening of feminine energy from self-love. From the wisdom of the body and the accompaniment of the feminine divinity. She leads uterine blessing circles in the city of Medellin, Colombia, and accompanies women individually in the cycle therapy that he proposes where body and spirit are worked together. She’s convinced that when you open yourself through your physicality, life is transformed and everything acquires meaning. It is time for women to awaken their gifts, their sisterhood, and their intuitive capacity. And in this, the menstrual blood and our uterus, whether you have it physically or not are alive. She loves to travel. She loves cats, dancing, plants, cinema, and discovering holistic processes. Her healing superpower is being a connected woman with her divine feminine and her uterus.

I met Lina through another friend and I was really impressed, especially because her work called my attention. Not because of me, I have never had any issues with my period. I was kind of irregular when I was younger, but now that I’m a grown-up, I think just because I’m more aware and more connected to my soul and I know myself better. Of course, I’ve worked with many other things. I think that now my period is very regular. I have a beautiful relationship with my blood and I use it in rituals. I think I have just gone to a different place in my life. With my period I’ve never rejected it. I didn’t think it was cool, but I was always okay with it. But what caught my attention about Lina’s work is because of my daughter. She had suffered terrible cramps and was very moody.

She’s very moody during this time and now she just made a decision to take pills. That has improved a lot, her pain, but now she’s gaining weight. And again, the moody stages are back. I was wondering how could I help my daughter without pressure her? I already told her what I know. I have shared with her what I’ve learned. But, I understand during all of these years that it doesn’t matter if I feel the other person needs help and I may help. It’s not up to me, it’s up to them. And I don’t think my daughter is ready to take the situation in her life to a different level, because it will require many other things that aren’t important right now. But that’s why when I was listening to Lina and I went to one of her cycles to bless the uterus, I was in, “Whoa, that was deep.”

It was beautiful. I had a beautiful vision and received very valuable information. And that’s why I choose to invite her to my podcast. She doesn’t speak English. However, I really want to share this information with you guys. Because if you haven’t read the book Red Moon by Miranda Gray, I would say that would be my initial step. Either, because you would like to learn more or because you are struggling with your period or just because you have your daughter or your sister or your best friend who’s has gone through that experience. That is not a pleasant experience and you may just help with information. That’s the only thing I’m doing with my daughter. Every time that she complains, every time that she says, “Oh man, I gained two more pounds.” I always looked at her and said, “Would you like to listen to what I have to share with you about this situation?” Or “What if we just start reading these together?” What if you approach the situation from a different kind of perspective?

And she has improved a lot. She listens to me and she opens up and It’s now where my ego would like her to be doing great right now, but I know it’s her path and that’s where she is right now and that’s perfectly okay. Let me tell you more about Lina because I think her story is very interesting. She had health problems with her uterus and after surgery, she realized that she needed to do something else. It was not just about, I needed surgery. She felt in her soul that something else was needed. She started working on herself, but she never thought that she would be helping other women just because of what she was going through. In a moment of frustration, because she was still having health problems. She had a dream with Arcangel Rafael.

Where the archangel told her, “All is well.” And that she needed to take action and forward, of course, at that moment, that didn’t make any sense to her. But, she was open and willing to receive the information to be delivered at the right moment and that’s what happened. If you want to find more about Lina Correa, you can visit her Instagram, if you speak Spanish. If you don’t speak Spanish and you would like to go deeper into this, I will recommend you to start reading Red Moon by Miranda Gray. We’ve been talking about my interview with Lina Correa, the feminine, the sacred. When we come back from this short break, we’re going to talk more about her healing superpower. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back.

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