Are you searching for the divine? You may be without even realizing that that’s what you’re looking for. A Glimpse Inside the host, Wendy Perrotti, and Journey of The Lightworker author, Shari Hembree, bring the search for purpose, meaning, and light in your life into a practical format. Shari shares her journey writing her book and how it would just flow through her when she started connecting with spirit, God, and the divine to eliminate her fear and ego. Join Wendy and Shari in today’s episode to find an illuminated path to your divine life.

Welcome. You’re listening to A Glimpse Inside. I’m Wendy Perrotti. Are you searching for the divine? You may be without even realizing that that’s what you’re looking for. It’s a running joke in my circle that for the first half of my life, I was ahead who dragged her body along for the ride. Thinking though only got me so far and I realized that to continue to grow and prosper, I really needed to tap into all of me, mind, body, and much to my surprise for a girl who grew up in the Catholic world and an all-girls Catholic high school, much to my surprise, spirit as well. My own spirituality had been something that I think that for a long time I had taken for granted, and maybe even something that I couldn’t put my finger on. Yet, the more that I allowed it in, the more all of me got better, felt better, and did better.

So if you’re searching for the divine in you, in your life, in this world, you have come to the right place today, my friends. My guest today is the incredible Shari Hembree. Shari is an artist, businesswoman, Reiki master teacher, and author in the field of authenticity and spiritualism. Her first book Journey of the Lightworker is a breakthrough novel that crosses mainstream thought with deep spiritual truths. This soul-stirring tale takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery and healing while traveling all over the world. It really is just a beautiful, juicy book.

She’s an inspired creator and has produced videos of her popular blog posts. She has a weekly talk show live-streamed on social media and a meditation series that is just gorgeous to help motivate her audience and take positive actions in their lives. Shari, I am so excited to have you here.

Thank you so much, Wendy, for having me on your show today. I am equally as excited as you are. I feel very blessed to be here today.

So tell us about you. Before we get started, tell us everything we need to know about you.

Yes. Let me give you just a little bit of background information on me and some of the events that led up to what I call a very profound spiritual experience that led me to become an author and pursue my soul’s purpose, which was not something that I intended in my life. It was quite interesting. I’m originally from Louisville, Kentucky, so I’m a Southern girl by heart. I had a pretty happy childhood early on. I did move to New Jersey for a short while, made my way out to Texas, where I went to college. After college, I did what I think most of us do. I got married and I started a career. But after about 10 years passed and looking back at my life, I think you could say that I was living what I call the American dream. I was really doing what I thought I was supposed to do to be happy.

But as it turns out, I really wasn’t that happy. I had celebrated my 10 year wedding anniversary with my husband. I had a fabulous career. But I was working a lot of hours and I was starting to get pretty stressed out. My health was doing okay, but I was becoming rundown and I really wasn’t doing very well what I call self-care. It looked like on the outside, I had a perfect life, the American dream, but it really was a life of illusion. I was working all the time, stressed out and there wasn’t a lot of joy in my life. That’s when something very profound happened to me. I realized how unhappy I was. I feel like God looked down at me and said, “You know, Shari, you need to make changes in your life.” Boom, that’s when it happened. I had what I call a divine intervention.

In the course of one week, my husband walked out on me, my career, I got laid off. They didn’t appreciate all those hours I was putting into my job and I had a major death in my family. So really a triple whammy, if you will. Time went by and I think at first I was just totally in shock. I remember one evening I was sitting on my living room floor and I realized, I really had two choices in my life. I could sit there and wallow in my despair and do nothing, or I could look up to God and ask for help. That’s exactly what I did. I picked myself up off the floor and I basically reinvented myself. Finally, life got to be a lot more normal after that point.

I went out and got a new job and it ended up being a blessing in disguise. It was a lot more lucrative in the executive search industry. I put my relationship part of my life on the shelf for a while and things began to settle down. But I realized I wasn’t very excited about my life. I was just going through the motions. That’s when I had a very profound spiritual experience. I was sitting in church, Easter Sunday, about seven years ago when all of a sudden this idea started downloading. I can’t even explain it. It was loud and clear. I took a piece of paper out. I was jotting down a few notes. I went home and I typed up all my notes. It basically was about writing a novel, which was similar to Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love about a woman that goes on a journey across two continents.

Along the way, she discovers authenticity, self-love and finds her life’s true purpose. She basically creates a brand new dream. But there is just one major hiccup in the whole idea, and that’s what I had never in a million years ever thought about writing a novel. I had to really wrap my arms around doing something that divinely was given to me and getting out of my fear and into my heart and being able to overcome what could be potentially my life’s purpose and has become that. So that was really quite a challenge that I had to embrace and basically to start my spiritual journey.

So, incredible of a story. How long did it take you to finish the book?

I actually spent about five years writing it. At first, when I began writing my novel, it wasn’t really coming to me naturally. I struggled with it and I realized how much I was in my head and letting my fear and ego kind of overcome me. But finally, when I started connecting with spirit, God, divine, and I could get out of my head my fear, my ego, and into my heart, the book would just flow through me. It was really an amazing transformation where I just intuitively knew what it was I was supposed to write every single day. It became like a faucet that I could turn on and turn off at will. The more I stepped forward in my life’s journey and got over my fear, the easier the whole process became to me.

Love it. Okay. We’re going to take a really quick break before we dive in further with Shari. She’s got so much to tell us about this process and how you can tap into this divine way of living in your own life. Before we do, I want to remind you of the drawing that we have here on A Glimpse Inside. You can win a 90-minute private from stuck to a happy coaching session with me one-on-one. All you need to do is text AGIWIN to 647-558-9895. Shari, how can folks get a hold of your book? Are you on Amazon? Do they go to your website? What do they do?

Yes. Thank you, Wendy. I do have a website, I have links on there to Amazon and Barnes & Noble. On Amazon, the novel actually is discounted right now between 20 to 30% off with free prime shipping. I do offer some free meditations if you sign up for my monthly newsletter as well.

Wonderful. Okay. So that’s Don’t miss it. Stay with us. We will be right back.

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