We all have that little voice in our heads that gets in the way when we’re trying to play big. This negative self-talk can limit your ability to believe in yourself and in your own strength. But how serious is it? In this episode of A Glimpse Inside, Wendy Perrotti coaches Karen on what to do about negative self talk. Listen in as Wendy and Karen uncover how negative self-talk can seriously damage your self-esteem and impact the quality of your life. 

Welcome to A Glimpse Inside. I’m Wendy Perrotti. You are listening to episode two of our four-part series Creating Confidence. If you missed episode one on how to banish self-doubt with the absolutely hysterical Elaine Williams, there are tons of tips and tools in there for you to grab, go on out there and have a listen. My guest today is getting sick and tired of that little voice in her head. She would like to say goodbye to negative self-talk and my guess is you would too.

Full disclosure, Karen and I had our first session last week and I completely botched up the recording. We’ll fill you in on where we got started together in a bit, but before we get there, I’m going to give you the rules of the game here on A Glimpse Inside‘s coaching episodes and I’ll give you the opportunity for you guys to meet Karen fully and hear her story.

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So, the rules of the road on A Glimpse Inside coaching episodes, we are not here to advise. We’re not here to judge. In fact, the thing that we’re here to do is to create this really kind of rarefied space. It’s a playground where we each can untangle all of that swirling mind gunk that weighs us down. This place is 100% safe to verbalize what has always been unsaid and for some of us, there’s a lot that has been unsaid. Sometimes we don’t even say these things out loud to ourselves. It’s a place where we can shine a light on all of those creepy little fears that we all have and coax them out of their burrows, let them see the light of day, and when we see them that way, we really do realize that they’re not so scary after all.

We do this because until we do, we cannot possibly recognize that we are whole as we are, that we are all the same and that in connecting from that space, we can finally allow ourselves to express those things that make us each unique. It’s in that connection and expression that we truly find meaning joy and purpose. We’re not here to change, but to grow. As I say every episode, change is constant. Things change and they change again. But growth only happens in one direction. Nothing in nature ungrows and neither will you.

So, I’m going to say for you all, welcome Karen. For me, Karen, welcome back. Thank you so much for agreeing to do this really personal work on the show so that others can benefit.

Thank you, Wendy.

I’m so happy to have you here again.

I’m delighted, thank you.

Before we start our coaching, tell us what’s important for us to know about you, Karen? What’s your backstory?

I’ve had a 22 year career with the same company and I tend to go through ebbs and flows with my self-confidence and those negative thoughts that take over from time to time that make me doubt myself, make me doubt my experience, and I really find that it freezes me in my tracks actually. And I’ve done a lot of self-discovery work since my twenties and feel that I have the tools available to banish those negative thoughts and comments in my head. But there are times I just freeze and I really feel that it holds me back and I really want to grow and move forward and accomplish so much more. And I don’t want those negative comments of fear to run my world.

Okay. That’s a perfect way to put it. So many of us have the tools, intellectually we get it, right? We know what the answer is and none of us use it all the time. And for some people we act out and get aggressive when that negative voice comes into our head. We start blaming ourselves or blaming others. And for other people we retreat, play smaller. Some of us just plain freeze. And it sounds like that’s usually your go to, so we’ll play with that. We’ve got two more sessions together. We’ve got this one and another one. What would you like to create or have happen as a result of our working together, Karen?

I’d like some tools to put on my tool belt for the times that I’ve really had the self-doubt and the fear crop up so that I can turn to those tools and say, “Okay, let’s breathe this through. Let’s take a step and relax and then move forward through whatever that fear is.” To be courageous in the midst of fear and doubt,

Courageous. I love that word. You will find that as we work together, language can be really, really important and the way that we use language. So, let’s hold onto that word courageous. I have a feeling it’s going to be really important for you.

Okay, so we have heard a little bit about Karen and where she’s starting from, what she’d like to dive into today. We’re going to take a super short break and when we come back, we’re going to get right into the coaching. And as always, we’ll be giving Karen and you some tips you can start using today to help with your growth and transformation. Stay with us. We will be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.