What is Love

What is love? In this episode of The Apple Flavored Pomegranate, Tonya Dawn and Justin Recla dive into a passage from ‘A Course in Miracles’ all about love. The two talk about what love means to them and why it is so important. Love is a construct that can be highly confusing to some, and crystal clear to others. We all have an opportunity to identify what it is on our own. Tune into The Apple Flavored Pomegranate to answer the question, what is love?

Tonya Dawn Recla: 

Hello, everyone. And welcome back to The Apple Flavored Pomegranate. I’m here with my hunka hunka burning love who is shaking his head. And I don’t know if he finds humor in me.

Justin Recla:

I actually just had to stop myself from making a really lewd comment.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

He stopped himself, folks. You should mark this date in time as significant in history because he stopped himself. They can be taught, ladies. I promise you, they can be taught. Anyway, today’s episode is all about what is love.

I have a passage here. I was flipping through “A Course in Miracles” the other day, and it really jumped out at me as such a great conversation starter. We’re going to start there today. 

“Our sense of inadequacy, weakness, and incompletion comes from the strong investment in the scarcity principle that governs the whole world of illusion. From that point of view, we seek in others what we feel is wanting in ourselves.” I have like reading voices happening.

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Justin Recla:

Yes, you do.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

It’s so nice. “We love another in order to get something ourselves. That, in fact, is what passes for love in the dream world. There can be no greater mistake than that, for love is incapable of asking for anything.”

Justin Recla:

I like that.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

And I thought that was such a great encapsulation of the frequency of love, right? A lot of times we have love with all of its trappings, right? There are all of these rules and all of these things that we think about that love gets us. And when we come into it from that perspective, we’re robbing ourselves of the depth and richness, yumminess, the ooey-gooeyness, all of that space that we get to share with other people. And in our experience, it’s lit up through the divine. I don’t know how else to get there, I’m not going to say you can’t get there any other way, but that’s how we got there.

Justin Recla:

That’s how we got there.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

And whatever you refer to that as, love, light, divinity, God, Christ, whatever that word is in this moment that you’re resonating with, that passageway of just goodness between us is full of really yummy, wonderful ooey-gooey, fun things to do together.

Justin Recla:

Well and magic. It’s a level of intimacy that we crave as humans that we’ve discovered. And for me, it’s just, there’s nothing beyond it.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

No, there isn’t. That’s the premise for today’s episode is really talking about what is love? How do we hold it? Why do we want it so badly? What is it we really want and what is it we’re seeking, all of the ways that we go about finding it, right. Really diving into that for ourselves, each one of us to say, what have we kind of taken at face value as all there is when maybe there’s more. And so we’re going to look at that. And in our fashion here, Justin has selected a poem to read for today’s episode and share with you all. If there’s a title, you can say it, but you can certainly share the author.

Justin Recla:

This is an original. I’m calling it ”The Lighthouse.” It’s short and sweet. Written by me for you on our anniversary.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Thank you, love.

Justin Recla:

Her love is the lighthouse of my soul, reflecting hope, reminding me of who I am in this world every day.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Beautiful. That was super yummy. It was a very beautiful gift on our anniversary, so thank you. And I love that he feels called to share that here, I think that’s pretty awesome. Thank you for sharing this space with us. We really appreciate that. If you’d like to dive in even deeper with us, we have within our community a couple’s discussion group, we have a couple’s workshop that we did. And so the recordings in the portal where we go over layers of intimacy and all kinds of, well, we go over layers of connection, layers of intimacies, the advanced course.

Justin Recla:

That’s the advanced course.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

But we start that sort of process there so folks can learn how we got here, how this happened. And so we invite you to join us there in the community and go to superpowerexperts.com and find out more there. We will be right back to talk more about what is love.

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