Consideration is Key

Why should couples understand that consideration is key to a good relationship? In this episode of Apple Flavored Pomegranate, Justin and Tonya Dawn Recla talk about the significance of consideration through the lens of couples. We often think that communication will suffice in achieving the harmonious relationship we want. However, we fail to realize the need for the magic pill called consideration. How is the other person receiving this? What is their worldview? What might result from speaking this into this specific space at this particular time? That’s what consideration is! Tune in to know more about the discussion and other relevant tips, such as why consideration is key to having great sex. 

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello, everyone and welcome back to The Apple Flavored Pomegranate. I am Tonya Dawn Recla and I’m here with my hunka, hunka luscious burning love here, Justin Recla. Do you want to say hello?

Justin Recla:

Hello everybody.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

There he is. Today’s conversation is pretty important in my book. I feel like this element that we’re going to talk about today truly is the secret, the secret sauce, the connector, the missing link, the whatever you want to call it, in a lot of the issues we see in couples and then by extension, families and businesses and organizations. On and on and on it goes. Because how we create our spaces, and where we live, dictates what we put out into the world and how we interact with it.

The conversation today is all about consideration and the title’s Consideration is Key. And the obvious question is key to what exactly? Truly everything. It started with realizing that when we add some basic consideration, some intentional consideration into our communication, the results improved dramatically, right? And so that sort of got us thinking about, like, “Oh, where else can we use this?” Right? So consideration makes sex better. I promise you. So it runs the gamut from you getting better results with your communication, to you getting off better. So I would say it is the key. What else is there, right?

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Justin Recla:

It is the magic pill.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

It is the magic pill. And so what do we talk about when we talk about consideration? So let’s look at the communication aspect first, because we can see this, even if we’re not in a relationship right now, or our relationship doesn’t seem to be reflecting this, we can certainly see it in the world because the conversation around our communication is all around what I get to do, what I’m allowed to do, what I have a right to do, what I have a right to say, right?

And what’s missing in that dialogue is some space in between to say, “Okay, but do you really want the results that come when you speak things into a shared space?” Which is what we have when we talk on social media or we talk with a stranger, right? We create a shared space. The conversation can move from what do you have to do or what are you supposed to do? Into one of what we are being invited to do? And in our way of looking at it, if we add a little bit of consideration into our communication in terms of how is the other person receiving this, right? What is their worldview? What might the result be from me speaking this into this specific space at this specific time? Because it’s not even just about the other person, but is it the right time, right? The timing when we choose to speak creates all kinds of different results.

And so all of that is enmeshed in this invitation to take the conversation around our communication from I have to’s and the rules and the should’s and what’s allowed and into a space of, what are we being invited to consider about ourselves, the world and each other? What do you think about that?  So we’re going to go to the poem right now. That was a whole soapbox thing-

Justin Recla:

It was. It’s okay, though.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Before we cut to the break. And so here, the conversation today is Consideration is Key and the setup is it’s key to better communication and it’s key to better sex. So let’s see how those tie in, and we’ll talk about that after the break. And now, Justin is with a beautiful poem.

Justin Recla:

This is done anonymously. Actually written by somebody we met up in the Flagstaff. So here it goes from the anonymous author.

Love, like the only reason we are here. That in whichever way we can’t define it, though we can embody it. Whether or not love is a story or a grand organism makes me wonder. And that is the river that flows into the sea. The seal that carries her pups or the moss that grows at the edge of the sand. The grand canyon and its wholeness. The moon and its need for the sun and earth. Victory for Gaia. Victory for the corporation of life.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Beautiful. We’re going to cut to break, folks. Remember to go to and join our community so you can partake in our couples connection group. We have a lot of fun there. We talk about these things in a container where we can share what’s going on in our relationships so we can improve them and have a different journey together. Go to and get signed up today. And we’ll be right back talking more about Consideration is Key. Stay tuned.

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