The Superhero Journey Begins Where the Hero’s Journey Ends!
Take the second step & Master Your
Personal Power
Master Your Personal Power – MYP 102
Unit 1: Inside out Game
- In this lesson of the Master Your Personal Power course, we delve into the Inside Out Game. We use this process to expedite and smooth out the journey of development. By using processes and techniques both internally and externally as we look out at the world, we see the mirroring that the projection provides. When we can see others as mirrored aspects of ourselves, we can integrate lessons and transmute energy with a high degree of success.
Unit 2: Effective Communication
Effective communication goes so much deeper than simply talking and listening. While some of these techniques may seem elementary, pieces and parts within you are still undeveloped and must walk through this process in order to come into alignment with your higher self. Most of us weren’t trained in how to communicate effectively. We know we’re communicating effectively when we receive back from the projection what we think we believe about the world. This requires us to be aware of all aspects of us and the various ways we communicate.
Unit 3: Evolved Evolution
This lesson of the Master Your Personal Power course takes us into a constructed reality that helps us understand our evolution up to this point. As we differentiate between the traditional mindset, evolved consciousness and the abstract frequency, we better understand ourselves and others. We also start to see choice in all of it and how we can influence our perspective and experiences.