Stop Wasting Emotional Energy to Create Peak Performance

Why should you stop wasting emotional energy to create peak performance? How can you increase your available power and effectiveness?  In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kirstin Maxwell and guest Natan Verkhovsky talk about the importance of identifying your inner truth. Kirstin and Natan also add the essence of using the mind and body together to show up at your best. Tune in and know the elements of successful mantras to create new supportive beliefs, flourish in love, and shun fear.

Kristin Maxwell:

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I am your host, Kristin Maxwell, and in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today, I am really excited about my interviewee, Natan Verkhovsky, and Natan is the founder of The Essential Academy. He is a medical hypnotherapist and a mental training specialist for elite athletes and business executives. And I love these titles because I want to know exactly what that means, and I’m really excited to be talking to him today, because he helps people to stop wasting emotional energy, and who could not use that? So welcome, Natan, to Your SuperPowered Mind.

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Natan Verkhovsky:

Thank you so much for that incredible, incredible introduction, Kristin. I’m going to keep that and bring that with me wherever I go. I loved it. Thank you.

Kristin Maxwell:

Good. Well, you’re welcome, and really, truly, the best thing about doing this podcast is I get to talk to people about processes and transformation, which I love, and I get to learn straight from you and ask you all the questions that I want to know, so.

Natan Verkhovsky:

I’m here for you and your audience.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yeah, great. So my first question is always, what superpower did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?

Natan Verkhovsky:

I loved it because I’d seen a couple of episodes, and everyone has such a unique answer to it. To me, when I first heard it, I had a knee-jerk reaction, and I tend to go with that intuitive feel. For me, it was the ability to expand in love, and not contract in fear anymore.

Kristin Maxwell:

Wow. That is a great power.

Natan Verkhovsky:

Thank you. It helps in times of indecision, it helps in times of being paralyzed by either paralysis analysis and you’re too mental, or paralysis by fear, and you’re too scared of what needs to be done. It gives you the strength to become almost fearless in that way.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes, how did you, first of all, discover that that’s what you were doing, was that you were contracting in fear, and stop that? That’s a big shift. If we could all come to the world in a place of love, rather than fear, look how different.

Natan Verkhovsky:

I agree. It would be fundamentally different, the way that we perceive things. I look at it that I’ve always been blessed to be a glass half full, happy-go-lucky kind of person, that I always try to find the positive in things. It, to me, was something that I was just naturally that way, and I thought everybody was that way. And my wife, who I loved for 28 plus years now, isn’t that way. Her initial knee-jerk reaction is to be concerned and to make sure that, “Ah, this could happen, this could happen,” to really watch out for worst-case scenarios, unlikely as they may be, is not a relevant point to her. To me, the possibility of what could far outweigh the possibility of, “Uh-oh,” that’s where I tend to come from.

Kristin Maxwell:

That’s amazing, and I’m laughing because my husband is so you. He’s happy, and one of my daughters is like that too, just so happy, and I mean, I got into all of this because I’ve always been anxious, always, always, always looking out for what could go wrong. And so, it’s very interesting that that’s where you are. Okay, this is very, very quickly, but we are going to cut to a break before we go further into this process of how to stop wasting emotional energy. Where can people find more about you and your work?

Natan Verkhovsky:

I’m blessed enough to be, as of last week or so, we became one year anniversary in June of 2021. I’m the Founder, Director, Head Instructor, and best-selling author over at The Essential Academy, and its We’re not a. com. So we really, really cater to that mentality.

Kristin Maxwell:

Great. Thank you so much. Hang on everybody, we are going to go more deeply into how to stop wasting emotional energy, and I can’t tell you, I am super excited to learn more about this. Hang on.

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