Gain Control of Your Emotions

How can you gain control of your emotions? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell and guest Amanda Hainline talk about how past experiences create filters that impact one’s view of the world. Amanda is an author, intuitive healer, and emotional freedom mentor. They also discuss the process of understanding the causes of low vibration emotions and the impact of your subconscious on your emotional state. Tune in to learn simple practices for releasing negative energy and gain control of your emotions.

Kristin Maxwell:

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I am your host, Kristin Maxwell. And in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today, I am really excited to be talking to Amanda Hainline about how to gain control over your emotions. And what a relevant topic that is for so many of us, getting stuck in places where it feels really, really difficult to pull yourself out. And I’m really excited to see what she’ll let us know about this. Amanda Hainline is a healer who discovered her abilities when she had a spontaneous kundalini awakening that rocked her world and changed the course of her life. She’s the author of Feel Better in Five Minutes: An Empowering Guide to Gain Control Over Your Emotions. And she now works with people as a healer. Amanda, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind.

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Amanda Hainline:

Thanks for having me. A pleasure to be here.

Kristin Maxwell:

Thank you. So, Amanda, my first question is always what superpower did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?

Amanda Hainline:

Well, I would say the superpower I uncovered would be really learning how to deal with emotions and what emotions are at their core so that we’re not afraid of them. We’re bringing them out of the dark, so to speak, so that people really start to understand that they don’t have to function in those low places that people tend to identify with as part of who they are, part of their identity. And as I went through the process that I went through, I really started understanding that there was nothing wrong with me, that it was just these emotional states that I was experiencing as a result of the traumas that I had accumulated over my lifetime. And then, learning how to process all of that trauma and energy and emotions, so that I could really be free from those things that were holding me back in my life.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes, I’m making notes. That is amazing. I love what you’re talking about there, that nothing was wrong with you. And maybe you could talk a little bit more about what you mean by that.

Amanda Hainline:

Well, the analogy I like to use for people is… To kind of give you a visual, if you walk into a room and it’s full of a ton of stuff, there are just all kinds of crap in there. And you open the door and you go, “Oh my gosh, this room is so full of stuff.” You don’t open the door and you say, “There’s something wrong with this room.” You say, “It’s just full of stuff,” and you’re exactly the same way. You’ve just got a bunch of things in the way so you can’t see the beauty of who you are. So, by taking that stuff out, by removing all of those extra things that are in the way of seeing yourself, you really get to the core of your true essence and start understanding who you are as a person without all of the things that are weighing you down.

All of the traumas that you’ve experienced over your lifetime are creating all these filters that you’re viewing the world through. And when you start releasing that energy and those traumas, those emotions, you start to really free up your mind and your energy system, your physical body, to embrace life in a whole new way. It’s just a way of looking at it, the messy room analogy. I just love that one because it really helps people understand. There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s just you’ve had these experiences that have been difficult and it changed the course of your life, but you can actually shift that into a better place by starting to clear these emotions that you’ve held onto for so long.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes, I love that. That is such a perfect analogy because there is a way where people are “Well, I’m always grumpy,” or “I’m always so negative,” or “I’m angry all the time and there’s something wrong with me.” And so, what you’re saying is it’s because we’ve experienced things from our past that have caused us to, that we’re carrying the energy from those, and then it makes us behave. Oh, I love that. That’s really great. We are going to cut to a break really quickly. Can you let people know where they can find out more about you and your book?

Amanda Hainline:

Of course. My website is, and you can follow me on Instagram, @akhainline. And then, my book is on Amazon, Feel Better in Five Minutes: An Empowering Guide to Gain Control Over Your Emotions.

Kristin Maxwell:

Great. I am really excited to go deeper and to actually, what does it look like to start to clear some of those low vibration emotions so you can start to be yourself. So, hang on, and we’ll be right back.

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