Decluttering According to Your Personality Type

Is organizing and decluttering easier when you know your personality type? In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, Kristin Maxwell speaks with author and organizing coach, Kelly McMenamin of, about how various personality styles find it easier to organize using specific organizational systems. Whether you are a person who is okay with visual clutter or HATES clutter of any kind, tune in to discover practical decluttering tips for your personality type.

Kristin Maxwell:

Hello, everybody, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I am Kristin Maxwell and in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today, I am really thrilled to be talking to Kelly McMenamin about a topic that I don’t think I’ve ever talked about, and that is Decluttering and Organizing According to Your Personality, and who you are. Kelly McMenamin is an author and organizing coach, speaker, and co-founder of Pixies, which is a company dedicated to helping people organize according to their personalities. And their motto, which I love is that well, life isn’t always easy to organize. We have something to talk about. Their book is organized your way with simple strategies for every personality. And I was really excited to talk to Kelly because I have numerous friends and okay myself, who find that cluttering and decluttering. And organizing is difficult and overwhelming. And if there’s any way to make it easier, well, I want to know it. So welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind, Kelly.

Kelly McMenamin:

Thank you. Thank you for having me.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes, so I love this idea. But before we get into that, I want to ask you, what superpower did you uncover in the process of mastering your mind?

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Kelly McMenamin:

I love their questions. And I feel like I recently realized what my superpower is, even though I should at my age, and have been doing that organizing business for over 10 years. But I would say it’s average like I’m just an efficiency expert. And I don’t mean that just in terms of time, but I can figure out easily how I can put in one extra thing within an hour by combining two other things. And is that okay to do that? And then I can do it with physical objects, like, you know, I go into people’s homes, and you see people with things stacked on top of each other. I’m like, no, no, no, just put it on the side, when you have everything on the side, you can pull it out easily from a shelf. But the moment you stack, it’s inefficient. So I would say that I kind of like looking through, it’s not quite X-ray vision, but I can kind of see everything that how to make them more efficient, like you open your closet, and I kind of instantly can see it. You tell me about your schedule. And I’ll be like, Well, why aren’t you doing that after that? Because that would make more sense and be more efficient. So I think I really discovered recently that I’m just an efficiency expert.

Kristin Maxwell:

I love that skill. Well, good. You know what I’m gonna just really quickly let’s just go to break and get it done. Because I want to go into, you know, this idea of personality and what kinds of personality and what kind of impact that does have on decluttering. So before we do, can you tell people where they can find you and your book and all of that stuff?

Kelly McMenamin:

Yes, of course. You can find me on and pixies did it as my handle also for all my social media, whether it’s LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook, and then our book is available on Amazon. It’s called Organize Your Way: Simple Strategies for Every Personality by Kelly McMenamin and Katie McMenamin. She’s my other co-founder and my sister and we are completely opposite personality types, which is how that was the kernel of the idea of organizing in different ways.

Kristin Maxwell:

I love that. Okay, hang on everybody. And we will be back and getting into how this might impact you and your own life and home. Hang on.

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