Can feminine enlightenment happen for both men and women? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan is joined by guest Shalvah Orah as they talk about the Shakti, which is a Divine cosmic feminine energy that can awaken in anyone. Shalvah also expresses that a fully embodied woman is an expression of Divine consciousness and that feminine enlightenment is simply just a feminine approach to awakening. Join Ayn and Shalvah in today’s episode to discover the process of spiritual awakening through feminine enlightenment. 

Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of the Wisdom of the Ages podcast show where we invite the sacred into modern-day reality. I love beginning each episode with a wisdom quote just to ponder. This one is by my guest today, Shalvah Orah, and it goes like this, “A fully embodied woman is a living expression of divine consciousness, allowing that consciousness to move through her freely without judging it or trying to change it.” Just thought that was beautiful, this idea of the Shakti, the flow. So on the way here, I was really thinking about feminine enlightenment and wondering if women actually awaken differently from men. That’s something I’ve really loved to talk about this episode. Certainly, women appear to be able to multitask and look after children, make food, do whatever while men tend to like to focus on a single goal. I really like Shalvah’s idea that consciousness simply flows through a woman, the Shakti.

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So in the Hindu Pantheon, Shakti is the divine cosmic, feminine energy that can express herself in a number of ways. She can both create and destroy life, and she takes on many forms, including goddesses that you probably know as Shakti. Just think about it for a minute. You might even want to flow with the Shakti, the feminine principle of the universe. After all, a woman can create a new life. So flowing Shakti the creative, who knows what she might be able to do. So I want to go ahead and formally introduce my guest. Her name is Shalvah Orah. She’s a spiritual mentor, sacred dance instructor, and founder of Feminine Enlightenment. Isn’t that neat? Just think about that for a minute. Feminine Enlightenment. The priestesses are back. I love it.

Shalvah has offered guidance, inspiration, education, and support to an international base of over a hundred countries worldwide, so feminine enlightenment is happening. Rooted instead of yoga lineages, Shalvah has been teaching in the art of Shakti embodiment and feminine leadership for over 15 years. She is an initiate in the lineage. Now, that’s important. I just want you, everybody, to hear that. She’s an initiate and the lineage. That’s the city yoga lineage, and that means that she has roots and foundation and her awakening process is real. She lives with her husband, Joshua, and her two children, Isaiah and Ebony. Hello. Hello. Can you say a quick hello before ad break?

Thank you again, Ayn, for having me. Hello everyone. So welcome to be here with you.

Okay. So I know while we have this quick break, you can check her out on and you can also go and check out There are lots of interviews there with many authors leaders, spiritual teachers, and also my own monologues on spiritual awakening. When we come back from this short break, I will be speaking with Shalvah about Shakti and Feminine Enlightenment. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back.

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