How can we renew our mind, body, and spirit for a healthy life? On today’s episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan speaks with guest Mitch Fleisher on renewing our mind, body, and spirit. Ayn and Mitch discuss defining health in a new paradigm, kick starting healing energy, and self-love. Tune in to today’s episode to learn more about renewing your health from the inside out.

Blessings and welcome. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, one of the SuperPower Up hosts, and you’re listening to Wisdom of the Ages. You can find out more episodes on spiritual awakening and health and wellbeing on

Activate Your Superpowers

Today we will be discussing ways in which we can effectively renew the body, mind and spirit for a healthy life. There are lots of advancements in medicine that are very exciting, and I imagine some of you have never heard of some of them, like exosomes that repair tissues in the brain, so we’re going to talk about that. Very exciting. Very, very exciting. We actually, we’re coming to a point where we really might be able to experience longevity. And remember that all true healing is self-healing, so taking care of healthy selves right now is really important.

Healing begins within, especially when we’re experiencing stress as many are during this paradigm shift. It’s imperative that we pay attention to the messages our bodies are giving us. It’s fairly easy when stressed to become disassociated, and so if that happens, if you find yourself drifting off, the wisest practice I know is to still the mind and simply sense your arms and legs and breathe. In this episode, Dr. Mitch Fleisher will give us a chrono Yama exercise at the end of the show so that you can actually practice a very ancient yoga breath work.

On some of my other episodes with Penny Kelly and Rory Duff, we explore how the higher mind is starting to come on in many people. This is a symptom of the global shift in consciousness, and as these higher centers turn on, unity consciousness awakens in people. Some people call it Christ Consciousness, but I call it Unity Consciousness, because I want to avoid the religious context. But, basically, unity consciousness means that there’s no desire to enter into the duality of any kind. There’s no right, wrong, good, bad. You dissolve into an objective discernment, and you make choices that are correct for you.

Now, this is important, because it means you’re not dropping down to the energy of fear. You’re not entering into the slavery mentality, because fear is a low vibration. We’re actually opening up, breathing into love, into loving kindness. So, keeping the mind healthy and redefining sanity is something we will be speaking about on this episode. This is all about staying healthy and renewing the body, mind and spirit.

As we begin to see the body-mind is a vessel, a holy grail, a temple of spirit, I’m really happy to have Dr. Mitch Fleisher back for a second episode. The first interview is called True Medicine, and you can find it on the Wisdom of the Ages archives. As Dr. Mitch Fleisher says, “It is important to understand that the body, mind and spirit are intimately connected and inseparable. You cannot affect one part without affecting the whole.” Very, very important. I’m excited to explore with Dr. Fleisher, the ways in which we can renew our bodies and minds. After all our bodies and minds are the temple of our spirit. It’s important to get that. We have to take care of ourselves. If we want to live well and thrive, especially during a paradigm shift, we want this vehicle to work well. We will also be discussing longevity, the use of stem cells and peptide therapies and how they work, and many other innovative medical innovations that help us stay healthy and thrive.

Mitch, I know I want to invite you on, but we have this ad break in one minute, but where can people find you? What’s your website?

It’s , Ayn.

Okay. That’s wonderful. And I know you’ve been very generous and you have a gift for us. It’s something that’s normally $395, so it’s usually quite expensive. But for our listeners, you’re doing a free give away, and this is Remedies That Strengthen the Immune System, I believe. Can you just speak about that for a second?

Yeah. I was recently invited to present on the JAH, which is a Joint American Homeopathic Council. It was a global summit involved with homeopaths and other natural healers throughout the entire world a couple of weekends ago. I presented on the natural protocols for strengthening the immune system. This is in that whole three-day global summit, but I was able to extract my hour-long talk, which, what it does is, the initial part of it explains how the human immune system actually works, and it gives you the most important nutrients and herbs to support your body-mind against infectious diseases. So they can go to the video. It’s at my website, The first video that comes up will be Natural Protocols for Strengthening the Immune System, and they can really get a good education of the way the immune system works and what to do to help yourself.

That’s super. We’re going to take an ad break, but I really encourage everyone to go and look at this, because we need to know how to take care of ourselves. We’re the ones that take care of ourselves. You can’t really expect anybody else to do this for you. Self-healing is really important and having the information that can really help us live and thrive is pivotal right now.

When we come back from this short break, we’re going to talk more about self-healing and how we can renew our body, mind and spirit. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.