SLSP – Dragon Woman’s Awakening Process

In this interview, Dragon Woman, Katrina Coravos, joins Sex, Love and SuperPowers host Tatiana Berindei to discuss the awakening process of the dragon woman archetype and how to use our internal fire as a resource for change and transformation. Katrina works with groups of women around the country helping them to access their inner warrior, build shame resiliency and tap into what they are truly passionate about. Tune into this episode to hear more about how befriending the dragon can help you transform your life. Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers Podcast Show. I am your host Tatiana Berindei, and today I have with me my dear sister, Katrina Coravos. We are going to be discussing Dragon Woman's Awakening Process. I want to tell you a little bit about Katrina. I've known this sister for several years now primarily through ceremony. She's a [...]

2022-06-05T06:27:02-07:00December 12th, 2018|

SLSP – Psychic Manipulation and Sexual Abuse

In this interview, Sex, Love and SuperPowers host Tatiana Berindei joins two former members of the Agama Yoga Community, Nancy Ellen Miller and Mangala Holland, to discuss the psychic manipulation they experienced during the time they spent at Agama’s main school in Thailand. Key sign posts of psychic manipulation tactics, as well as red flags around sexual abuse in the tantra communities are laid out in this conversation. Nancy Miller is an artist and  writer and runs a coaching practice based in neuroscience. Mangala Holland is an international facilitator of women’s groups, Tantric rituals, retreats and workshops and founder of the Sacred School of Shakti. You don’t want to miss this important conversation! Hello everyone and welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers Podcast show. I'm your host Tatiana Berindei and today we have a little bit of a different kind of an episode. This is [...]

2022-06-05T06:53:26-07:00November 14th, 2018|
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