SPU – Searching for a Savior

In times of struggle and unprecedented challenge, what dictates who looks to a savior and who doesn’t? Whether you can get behind the whole Jesus thing or not, there’s an undeniable attraction to the idea of relinquishing control to a higher power. In last week’s episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talked with the incomparable Ervin Laszlo, asking the question: Can Spirituality Save Us All? In this episode, Tonya dives deeper into the concept of spirituality and the inherent desire within our collective consciousness to turn to faith in times of crises.  Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Experts and I am so excited about this conversation. Last week I talked with Erwin  about, "Can spirituality save us all?" If you missed that folks, do yourself a favor, go back and listen to that, absolutely amazing, amazing man, just valuable, valuable [...]