AGI – Turning Personal Growth Goals Into Reality

In the 3rd episode of A Glimpse Inside’s Reinvention After 40 series, host Wendy Perrotti has a second coaching session with Liz regarding personal growth goals. In this session, you’ll see how external factors (even really emotional ones) don’t have to stop you from moving forward. Stay tuned as you, along with Liz, learn new strategies to focus in overwhelm and make time for self-care. Welcome to A Glimpse Inside. This is Wendy Perrotti and you're joining me on the SuperPower Up! Network. This show is about affirming for people that there is more to life and that it is possible for every single one of us to be inspired, successful, joyous, and free. You're listening to episode three of our four part series on Reinvention After 40. If you missed my conversation with the hilarious Jen Degenhardt in episode one or my first coaching session [...]

2019-12-10T18:52:09-07:00December 5th, 2019|

AGI – Reigniting Personal Power

Super powers is not only for comic books. We all have our own personal power that we can use to make a change. In the 2nd episode of A Glimpse Inside’s Reinvention After 40 series, you’re invited to listen in on a reinvention coaching session. Host Wendy Perrotti is working with Liz, who is learning to thrive again after a tragic accident and unrelated illness turned her life completely inside out. You’ll hear how hope and inspiration have returned, what she’s working on and get new tools that will help both Liz and you move from stuck to happy. Welcome to A Glimpse Inside. I'm Wendy Perrotti and I'm excited to be here with you on the SuperPower Up! Network. This show is about affirming for people that there is more to life and it is possible for every single one of us to be inspired, [...]

2019-12-10T18:50:32-07:00November 21st, 2019|
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