Multidimensional Consciousness and The Secret

Multidimensional Consciousness The Secret and The Law of Attraction are only a very miniscule portion of the story when it comes to bringing what you truly desire into this dimension of existence. This is the very beginning of the understanding and grasp of multidimensional consciousness, living in multiple dimensions simultaneously, learning how to access each of them, and for what purpose. When we come to Earth we are strapped down in a straightjacket of time control built in fear and lack. We come into this veil of existence, immersed in forgetfulness, and are taught and bred to “follow the rules.” We forget that we can break the “rules.” And once we have this understanding of “the secret” we come to a realization that there really are no rules at all. After this realization comes the shift of living in only 3D consciousness to living in and accessing multidimensional consciousness. These [...]