SPM – Mommas, Reduce Stress by Mastering Your Money
How do we reduce stress by mastering our money? SuperPower Mommas host Laura Greco is joined by Melissa Ternes as she shares her own story of mastering her money along with her wisdom of the relationship between the nurturing mom and the stressors of money. Melissa is a financial empowerment coach, and a CEO of Master Your Money Now. Listen in to know how to master your money and get out of the common money traps. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Laura Greco, your host at SuperPower Mommas on The SuperPower Up Podcast. Today the topic is mommas reduce stress by mastering your money. Talking about money is almost like talking about the elephant in the room when we think about stress, it seems that there are no shortage of stressors in life and especially if you're a parent. One of the challenges that hits home [...]