ISP – Money as Energy

Do you believe that money is energy? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guests Peg Donahue and Madeline Gerwick revolve their conversation on money and how it is not what most people believe it to be. Peg and Madeline are both energy workers who have come together to co-author the book "Money is an Energy Game." They think that money is energy and the right energy attracts more. Join Justin, Peg, and Madeline for you to know how to play the money and energy game to avoid frustration and create new potentials for success. Justin Recla: Welcome back to Incorporating Superpowers. Today, we are going to crack the matrix wide open because this conversation is going to be one that you probably heard us talk about on the Superpower Network and as part of Superpower Experts, but probably not in the manner [...]