SPM – How to Get What You Want by Loving Yourself First

Nat Couropmitree guides innovative leaders to live their lives through the energetic frequency of their Truest Selves. He joins Laura Greco of SuperPower Mommas as they explore the topic of how to get what you want by loving yourself first. Nat is all about tapping into love, respect and value that frees people from the exhausting cycle of working harder to gain something that can never be achieved through more effort, more work, more sacrifice, and creates space for them to experience what they really long for...ease, joy and adventure in the present moment. Aside from his website, you can also find Nat on his podcast Bold Magnificence. Be sure to listen in and glean for yourself how self love must come first. Hello and welcome to SuperPower Mommas. I am your host, Laura Greco, and I'm so excited to have you listening today. Our topic [...]