SLSP – How to Have Better Communication in Relationships

Jonathan Robinson, psychotherapist and bestselling author of 12 books, joins Sex, Love and SuperPowers host Tatiana Berindei to discuss how to have better communication in relationships. His new book More Love, Less Conflict is chock full of easy, simple tips and tools to use to boost your communication and have more love in the relationships that mean the most to you. Listen in as he gives away some powerful secrets that can help you transform your relationships for the better! Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei and today I am really excited to have with me Jonathan Robinson. We're going to be discussing how to have better communication in relationships. Jonathan Robinson is a psychotherapist, a bestselling author of 12 books, and he's been a frequent guest on Oprah and CNN. In addition, his [...]