Reawakening Man: Spiritual Enlightenment and the Dawn of Super Powers

Reawakening Man: Spiritual Enlightenment and the Dawn of Super Powers Our world is changing and more people are experiencing some level of spiritual enlightenment. You see it in the news, but it’s quickly dismissed as crazy. And, if you're like most you know there’s a change a-foot and the world is quickly becoming something new. And when you really pay attention and stay in awareness of it, you can feel it. The change I’m talking about has nothing to do with all of the redundant conversations of gun control or politics either. No, the change I am speaking of is deeply rooted in self-dominion, individual growth and the evolution of our species. Reawakening Man Do you ever feel like you're caught in a re-play loop? Like you're being fed the ideas you are supposed to think? Being told what opinions you are supposed to have? [...]