SPS – How to Get What You Want

Want to learn how to get what you want? In today’s episode, SuperPowers of the Soul host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by one of Super Power Experts’ guides and coaches, Tatiana Berindei. Tonya and Tatiana share their thoughts about getting what you want and all of the reasons why you end up not getting it. Tatiana also shares that people often do not get what they want because they are not even clear on what that is. Join Tonya and Tatiana in today’s episode to discover the right mindset to navigate towards getting what you want. Hi everyone, I'm Tonya. Welcome back to Superpowers of the Soul. So excited for today's conversation, because we're talking with Tatiana Berindei, one of our dear, dear, dear guides and coaches, and one of the new coordinators in our SPP or Super Power Programs, of course, we have all [...]