SLSP – Bringing Sexy Back to Marriage

In this episode Gail Crowder, founder and president of Bringing Sexy Back to the Marriage and author of many books, including Keep Your Legs Open: A Wives’ Guide to Sexual Satisfaction, joins host Tatiana Berindei to discuss how women of faith can spice up their marriage. Listen in to hear about what to do when you are “too tired for sex,” the importance of your pleasure for his pleasure, as well as biblical validation for foreplay! You don’t want to miss this episode! Hello everyone and welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers Podcast Show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei. And today I am delighted to have with us, Gail Crowder, and we're gonna be talking about bringing sexy back to marriage. Let me tell you a little bit about Gail, first. Gail Crowder is a wife of over 30 years, mother of two, and the [...]