SPK – The Amazing Power of Friendship

Kristine Rose Grant, an inspirational speaker and a licensed marriage and family therapist, joins Neva Lee Recla to discover the amazing power of friendship. Her broad, in-depth background lies within the realms of relationship coaching and family therapy, combined with her extraordinary ability to motivate others through humor and wisdom. She engages audiences with a sense of fun and enlightenment. Kristine also offers a unique Online Letter Writing Service otherwise known as "Inspired Heart Letters." Listen in as she unfolds the reason behind her amazing power. Hi kids. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. And today we have on our show a very, very awesome guest. Kristine Grant. And we met at New Media Summit. And she's the author of Be Friendship Focused, and she made the A to Z power card deck, and today we're gonna be talking with [...]