SPU – Creative Women Entrepreneurs

Diane Curran, an author and the Wow Whisperer, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about her superpower and the creative women entrepreneurs. Celebrating 45+ years of marketing and 4200+ presentations delivered in a diverse range of venues and creative media, she considers every day a fresh adventure. Diane’s worked with thousands of clients and managed projects for everything from Winter Olympics fundraising campaigns, the early stages of Fidelity Investments, and a wide range of high tech, business-to-business marketers, and many regional/national not-for-profit and cultural organizations during her Boston days. Listen in as she shares her knowledge about women entrepreneurs. Hello, everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm really delighted to have with us today, just a wonderful woman. Diane Curran is the "Wow Whisperer," right? So I love the juxtaposition of those two words in and of themselves, it's like we're gonna, [...]