SPM – How to Develop Confidence

How to develop confidence, especially in parenting, is an age old question. In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Laura Greco is joined by Bonnie Dillabough, who is a writer/author and momma of six children and 17 grandchildren, as well as the newest great grandchild. In this tender conversation, Laura and Bonnie touch on the very essence of a mom’s service to herself, her community and her children which is far reaching in its impact. They discuss how being confident does not include perfection. They also talked about how choice plays such an important role in life, especially in parenting. You are warmly invited to listen in and glean a perspective that is refreshing and non judgemental, just loving, like a warm hug. Hello everyone and welcome. You're listening to SuperPower Mommas and I'm so excited to be with you again today. I'm very excited about the [...]

2020-10-12T18:27:16-07:00December 24th, 2019|

SPS – Ways to Build Confidence Through Creativity and the Mind

In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Anke Hermann discuss ways to build confidence through creativity and the mind. Here how being creative leads to feeling one with everything and full of creativity. Listen now to begin your creative path to confidence. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert, founder of the Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. Today we're talking to Anke Herrmann and we're going to talk about ways to build competence through creativity and the mind. Welcome. Thank you so much for having me. I'm very excited to be here. It really shows up in everything I do. I'm very excited that you're here as well. And I always like to start with the kind of icebreaker question about what do [...]

2019-11-25T00:09:34-07:00December 8th, 2019|
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