The Path of the Medicine Woman

What is the path of the medicine woman? How can an individual grow and expand in leadership? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Q’orianka Cornejo talk about the three essential keys along the path of the medicine woman. They also tackle the importance of talking about things that are not fun and exciting to grow in underdeveloped areas. Tune in and listen to know the significance of walking your path along with good company.


Hello everyone, and welcome to Superpowers of the Soul. I’m your host Amorakhi, and today I’m really so delighted. I’m super delighted to welcome back our guest Q’orianka Cornejo to the show to talk about the path of the medicine woman. It’s going to be so juicy. Q’ori and I actually recorded a really awesome episode about money and our sacred purpose just a little while back, which I really encourage you to check out if you haven’t enjoyed that one yet. And that one is really all about diving deep into the first of three important keys along this path. And so we really felt inspired to reconnect here today, to create some more space, to dive even deeper into those important keys, all three of them along the path of the medicine woman. And I suspect that a lot of you who are tuning into this today are journeying along that path and will find great value in learning more about how to strengthen and grow in leadership along this path, strengthen and grow in some of the underdeveloped areas.

And, let’s be honest, it’s not all sunshine and roses all the time, is it? So it’s also super valuable and important to talk about things that are maybe not so fun or not so pretty that can occur along the path of the medicine woman. So I’m really excited that Q’orianka is back here to share some more of her amazing wisdom with us today. Q’orianka comes from an ancient healing tradition of the Incan lineage and she is an Incan high priestess. She is also the founder of Alturas Spiritual Journeys, and she serves as just such a dedicated guide for awakened women all around the world who want to step into their sacred destiny and live authentically in their divine essence. She really is just a fiercely loving and authentic being. She emanates courage that I have a deep respect for, and she’s just someone who has this incredible capacity to shine a light. And I am just so happy to have you on the show again today, Q’ori. Welcome.

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Q’orianka Cornejo:

Hi, Amorakhi. Hello everyone. It’s such an amazing experience being here with you again. I just love the conversations we have and I’m just happy to be here of service, and whatever I can share it’s my deepest desire that it supports people who are growing in the path of the medicine woman.


Oh, beautiful. Thank you. Well, we can really feel that and we are super thrilled to have you back here with us really. I’m so excited, like chills from head to toe about what we get to talk about today. We’re going to have an amazing conversation. Will you tell our listeners what you’ve discovered? Your superpowers of the soul are in relation to the path of the medicine woman?

Q’orianka Cornejo:

Yes, for sure. My superpowers. Can you believe there was a time for many years when I had no idea what that was, and that had no connection with me? I couldn’t find that connection until I had a spiritual awakening at the beginning of my thirties. And that was ushered by deep depression, post-traumatic stress disorder. I was in a really ugly place, like really in deep darkness when the light came through finally.

And so what I discovered is that my calling is to be, in service of divine light. I am an Incan priestess deeply connected with the medicine of Pachamama, the spirits of the plants of the Amazon as well. And the mountains, cacao flowers. I mean this beautiful earth-based energy that is just beautiful and magical. In This are of my superpowers and with this, my sacred calling is to support awakened women, find their sacred destiny, step into that beautiful, sacred destiny of theirs and shine the light in their divine essence and be able to serve. So many of my clients are priestesses, medicine, women, healers, creatives, who are here to serve from the soul in a big way.

And I am here to support them and guide them and help in the healing process. All of those things are so necessary for us to step in our divine essence.


Oh, I love it. I love that you are sharing where the light found you in your deepest darkness. I really appreciate you speaking to that and how that seems to have guided you and transformed into you being in such service. So that divine light that you found there and how you’re touching it. I mean, when you speak Q’ori, really, when you talk about your connection with the Pachamama and the earth and the nature of the birds and the cacao, there’s such a richness. There’s light pouring from, from everything you speak of in your voice, I can feel it. I just appreciate it so much. It’s so juicy. So I love the direction and the feel and the yumminess of this conversation already.

And I’m super excited to dive deeper together because I think that light in the darkness is a bit thematic along this path of the medicine woman. And I’m excited to explore that without interruption. So we do have to go to a quick break, but before we go, will you let our listeners know where they can go to find out more about you and your work in the world and your offerings?

Q’orianka Cornejo:

Yes, absolutely. You can find me at That is the main website address, but you can also go to And that’s what you can find my sacred programs, money, and sacred purpose activation, which is coming up on January eight and nine, 2022. But I will lovingly continue offering it every year, at least once a year. And also you can find their divine woman emergence program, which is a small, beautiful small group program for medicine, women growing in the sacred path of service, and more.


Hmm. I can feel the more. Beautiful. Thanks so much for that. We’ll also make sure to add those links here for everyone too. Okay. Wonderful. Well, when we get that from the break, we’re going to dive in much further together, but before we go, please be sure to head on over to and take a look over there at the Super Power Universe Plus membership. It’s the place our listeners go to engage in high-vibrational content, high-vibrational conversations. You’re going to be able to connect with others over there and chat with other people and join us in that sacred community. We’ve got a brand new app to play with. It’s fantastic. Just go to to check it all out. Folks, you are listening to Superpowers of the Soul here on the Super Power Network. And we are talking today with Q’orianka Cornejo about the path of the medicine woman. So stay tuned because I have a feeling this is going to be a powerful conversation that you don’t want to miss. We’ll be right back.

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