Money and Our Sacred Purpose

When do you think of money what comes to mind? Are money and our sacred purpose connected? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, you will unlock how to view money in a positive rather than stressful light. Tune in as Host, Amorahki, and Guest, Q’orianka Cornejo, share the ways to unlock this disconnect between our soul and money. Instead of experiencing money as a source of stress and struggle, we can shift into a higher frequency in our relationship with money, give ourselves permission to receive it, and learn to make money in deeply enjoyable ways that are aligned with our sacred purpose. Check out this episode to find out all the ways to shift this perspective on money for a truly fulfilling life. 


Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to this super fun episode of SuperPowers of the Soul. Thank you so much for tuning in and gathering with us in the sacred space today. There is just something so magical about soul family gathering together. I’m Amorahki, your host, and I am truly thrilled about today’s episode and our beautiful guest that I get to introduce you to here in just a moment.

Today, we are talking about money and our sacred purpose, and I for one, am super stoked about it. I feel like we all have areas that kind of come easier or more naturally to us than other areas, right? For some of us, maybe the money stuff is a breeze, but perhaps our health, or our relationships, our connection to spirit are far less easy, or maybe for us, the money stuff feels a little overwhelming or confusing, or just plain hard, but perhaps our creative expression, or our parenting kind of feels easy breezy and much more comfortable.

I also think that sometimes we can feel lifelike maybe we have to choose between money and our soul. Our soul may be crying out to feel the joy of living in aligned purpose or doing a certain thing that sets our heart on fire and lights us up, but somehow we feel that money is separate from that, and maybe sometimes we even feel like we have to sacrifice that part of ourselves to go make money, maybe even doing something we don’t really like, or that isn’t particularly healthy or conducive for us, just so we can make a living, and perhaps we get to enjoy a few scraps of that soul food here and there, like time or money permit. It’s like somehow there’s a disconnect between our soul and money, and we can feel forced to choose between them at times.

Activate Your Superpowers

But what if, what if instead of experiencing money as a source of stress or struggle, or something that we have to maybe sacrifice our soul desires for, what if we could shift into a higher frequency in our relationship with money? Give ourselves permission to receive, and even learn to make money in really deeply enjoyable ways that are aligned with our soul, with our sacred purpose? This is a win-win-win state of abundance to live in, and it’s why I’m just so overjoyed, I’m so overjoyed to be having this conversation with our amazing guest today.

This woman’s work in the world is super inspiring. She is super inspiring. Her extreme dedication to her spiritual path and to living her own soul’s mission just gives me head-to-toe chills. She’s just one of the most fiercely loving and authentic beings that I know, and she has this incredible capacity to shine a light in whatever her darkness you may find yourself in, and it’s that kind of light that truly guides you home to your own light, to your own soul truth. She’s just pure beauty walking, she really is, and I’m so glad she’s here. So please join me. Join me in giving her a big warm welcome, a big warm welcome to this beautiful Incan high priestess, and the founder of Alturas Spiritual Journeys, Q’orianka Cornejo. Q’ori, welcome to the show, sweetheart. I’m so glad you’re here.

Q’orianka Cornejo:

Oh, hello, Amorahki. Hi, everyone. What a pleasure to be here with you today, and the topic we’re going to talk about today is something that I am so passionate about. I cannot wait to get started.


Oh. Oh, I can feel that. I got chills again. Yay! I’m so excited for it too, I truly am. I’m so excited that we get to talk about this. I’m so eager to learn more from you especially, about money and our sacred purpose, and to talk about how we can open up to receive money that supports the embodiment of our life mission, and also how we might maybe clear and heal whatever might be currently in the way of that true experience. So yes, chills, for sure.

So before we get deep into all that awesomeness, let’s open up with our traditional question here on SuperPowers of the Soul, give everyone a chance to connect with you. They can already feel you, I’m sure. That passion radiates out from you. Let me ask you, beautiful Q’ori, what would you say are your superpowers of the soul, and what are you using them in service to right now?

Q’orianka Cornejo:

What a beautiful question. Well, the powers of my soul are to midwife women’s rebirth into a bright new life of purpose, and in their divine essence, and how I do this is by cultivating myself a deep connection with Pachamama, Mother Earth, and the spirits of nature, the mountains, the mighty mountains of Cusco are my loving guides and supporters, and also the spirits of the Amazonian plants, and it’s a beautiful connection and love that I share with them. I relate to the spirit guides as my family, like my grandparents, and born out of that love that I share with them and that connection, is that we work together as a team, the spirits of nature and myself, to support women’s rebirth into this new life, and I do the transformational healing work as a team with them.


Oh. Oh, folks, you can see why we are talking with Q’ori today. That is abundance. What you’re describing in the fields is just living in that state of pure abundance, and aligning money with your sacred purpose, and being in that deep connection as a team with all living things from that field of oneness, what other abundance is there? Oh, Q’ori, how beautiful. Thank you for sharing not just that answer, but the frequency of the field that you created just in speaking those words, where you can all feel it. How beautiful. I’m so excited to dive more deeply into this. Let’s cut to a short break now, so we can come back and dive deep in and not have to break. Before we do, sweetheart, can you please tell us the best place for people to go find out more about you and connect with you?

Q’orianka Cornejo:

Yes, for sure. So you can go to my website,, and you will find that on the show’s page. That’s where you’ll find me.


Beautiful. Okay, great, Excellent. We’ll make sure to drop a link for everyone, absolutely. Folks, you are listening to SuperPowers of the Soul, here on The Superpower Network, and we are talking here today with Q’orianka from Alturas Spiritual Journeys about money and our sacred purpose. Please be sure to head on over to as well to check out the Superpower Universe, and all the fun ways there are for us to play together. There’s also so many incredible free resources over there for you too. For now, stay with us, stay tuned, and we will be right back after the break.

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