How can you shift your midlife crisis into your midlife relaunch? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki welcomes guest Hilary Decesare to talk about how it’s never too late to turn your life around. Hilary is a coach and award-winning entrepreneur, experting in relaunching your business, relationships, and life. When midlife expectations don’t meet reality, many people go through this experience commonly referred to as a midlife crisis. But what if that doesn’t need to be the case? You don’t want to miss this episode on how to change your midlife crisis into a midlife relaunch!

Midlife Crisis to Midlife Relaunch


Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us for another episode of SuperPowers of the Soul. I’m your host, Amorahki, and today, I’m super excited and delighted to be talking with our extraordinary guest, Hilary Decesare. We are talking about moving from midlife crisis to midlife relaunch. 

As a mom with young adult children entering midlife. I’m happy, open, and eager to learn as much as I can about. You know, turn these typical stages of life transition with all the things they come with. All the stories that have gone before into one’s deeply fulfilling transformation. And that’s why I’m so thrilled to have Hilary joining us today to explore this power of transformation in midlife. 

Hilary Decesare, is an award-winning entrepreneur who’s been on the reality show, Secret Millionaire. She is all about helping women turn typical life transitions into transformations. In fact, her new book Relaunched: Spark your Heart to ignite your Life that you love. I love that title. It came out in June of 2022. It details her proprietary three HQ method. 

So women combine their head, heart, and higher self to create new brain patterns that shed limiting beliefs. That sounds like the best thing I’ve heard all year. She created this method using her Silicon Valley Success Secrets and neuro-coaching expertise to transform midlife women into profitable, intuitive leaders. In short, creating new brain patterns that shed limiting beliefs reveals an authentic, satisfying self-image that leads to success at home, at work, and in relationships. 

And so I am thrilled that she’s here today to share her secrets, deeply inspiring wisdom, and beautiful energy with us all, you know, and so generously. She’s such a delightful being. I’m sure you will enjoy her so much and receive so much value from her. So let’s bring her on. Hillary, thank you so much for joining us here today.

Activate Your Superpowers

Hilary Decesare:

I’m more What a pleasure. Thank you for that introduction. I commit to your audience. I will do everything I can to as simply as possible. Share what I think is truly groundbreaking in neuroscience and in what’s come out of the three HQ methods.


I literally have bumps, and chills from head to toe. I can’t wait. I’m truly overjoyed to be talking with you today about moving from midlife crisis to midlife relaunch. I love that and for all of us listening to hear about and, and really be inspired by all the incredible, you know, possibilities that await us rather than maybe just the potential crises we tend to hear a little too much about, in my humble opinion. I love the realm of possibility so much more. 

So before we get deep into all that really inspiring wisdom that I know you have to share, I’m so grateful for it. I’m sure that our audience would just love a quick minute to get to know you a little bit by hearing your answer to our favorite question around here: What are your superpowers of the soul? And how are you using them for good right now?

Hilary Decesare:

So because we are so aligned together and more, it truly is something that I have learned throughout the last two decades of working with literally 1000s of people. But most importantly, we always say you have to start with yourself before you can go out and share and help people on their journeys and guide them.

And so when I really think about such a great question around, you know, what, what is it? Why am I really here? And honestly, it’s not all that fluff stuff that you know, she’s done this she’s done that it’s about the soul work. It’s about taking you in more. You said these three HQs are about taking you and getting you out of your head, moving you into that heart space so that you can open yourself up to your higher self, your best self. And when you’re able to do that, it’s this gift we all have. It’s Christmas morning or whatever religion you celebrate. Whatever is your favorite holiday for the year, it allows you to have that everyday, you have the ability. It’s your fountain of youth. It’s turning it on and letting you know you’re tapping into something that so many people are like. 

Well, it worked for me. And I’m here to say I’m shouting from the mountaintops. This stuff works no matter who you are or where you are.


I can feel cheers vibrating through my whole body. It feels to me like this. Is that how, you know, I know this? I sensed this and what? I can envision it, but how? But how? And will it work for me? And I love that answer. 

Hilary Decesare:

Let’s just, I can’t wait.


Hear all about this, the nuts and bolts, and all the juiciness you’re gonna give everybody. So I mean, let’s just go ahead, we’re gonna take a short break now. So we can get right into it. And we get back with zero interruption. And if you’re listening, you might want to grab something to write. And you know, I’m most excited to learn about this proprietary three HQ method because I know you’re gonna give it to us and break it down on what this is, and I can’t wait. So, just before we cut to break, Hilary, where is the best place to tell people to go find out more about you, connect with you online, dive into a little bit

Hilary Decesare:

Definitely. Go check out our website because it’s got everything there, and then you can kind of go with where your heart leads you, but it’s, and it has just so much there for you free workshops, ways to connect ways to jump on calls with me.


Beautiful. And folks, we’re going to be sure to put those links up on the show page too. Can you just feel the generosity, the love, and the truth? The essence here? I’m gonna go there as soon as we’re done here. All right. You are listening to SuperPowers of the Soul here on the Superpower Network. We’ll be right back to get deep into moving from midlife crisis to midlife relaunch with Hilary Decesare in just a moment. Stay with us. We’ll be right back.

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