How can moms start seeking calm and receive resilience? In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, host Laura Greco talks with guest Ora Nadrich as they attempt to answer this question. Ora highlights the value of seeing her children for who they are and to accept both them and herself. Ora is a mindfulness teacher which means being present in the moment is the way to accomplish this superpower. Ora also shares with us the question to ask ourselves when we are feeling stressed or in fear which is “How do I want to show up in the moment”? Join Laura and Ora in this episode to discover the importance of self care and how you cannot give with an empty bucket. 

Hello, everyone. And welcome. You’re listening to SuperPower Mommas, and I am so excited to be back with you again today. Our topic is mommas seeking calm and receiving resilience. What do you think? You’re so busy, aren’t you, doing so many things, parenting your children, and you’re on duty, all the time, and yet to say that seeking calm is what you want and yet finding the space for that can feel so challenging and almost like another thing on your list of to do’s, right?

However, what if I told you that in seeking that space to create calm for yourself, you’re actually going to build up your resilience to meet the challenges with higher energy and more proficiency and have the opportunity to truly enjoy both your parenting and the other activities in your life. Well, that’s what we are about to talk about today.

I have a special guest, I am so excited. Ora Nadrich here to talk with us, and she is a frequent Blogger, she blogs all over the place, places like Huffington Post, perhaps you’ve seen her even, and she’s also been a guest on hundreds of radio stations, including places like Transformation Talk, Mental Wellness, and so on. She is the founder and president of the Institute of Transformational Thinking. She is an author of Life True: a Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity. And she is also an author of Says Who: How One Simple Question Can Change the Way You Think Forever.

She is a Certified Life Coach and mindfulness Teacher specializing in transformational thinking, self-discovery, and mentoring new coaches as they develop their careers. She is also a mom of two herself. She has two boys that she has raised. So I am so excited to have you as a guest, Ora, to discuss about seeking calm and receiving resilience. Thank you for joining us.

Activate Your Superpowers

Hi, Laura, thank you so much for having me.

Yeah, it’s great. It’s great. So tell me, when we start our show, we always start with this wonderful question that kind of breaks the ice, right? And so I’m going to ask it of you, as a momma yourself, as well as a transformational person that creates transformation or helps people to create that for themselves, what is your superpower, your momma superpower?

Wow. You know, what comes to mind is really what I tell people, how I describe the way in which I parent my kids, and how I feel I parented them. And what I like to say to people is I don’t tell my kids who they are. I let them tell me who they are. Do you know?

They define themselves, I don’t define them. And that has been with me from the very beginning. I felt like, I wanted to let my kids let me see who they are. I don’t want to tell them who they are. I can guide them, I can love them, I can nurture them, I can give them input, advice, all that good stuff that we as mommas and parents like to do. But at the end of the day, my greatest pleasure is for me to be able to find out who my boys are. And that’s a constant discovery for me. So as far as it is a superpower, I kind of think it is, I think I really gave them the freedom to feel comfortable in letting me know who they are.

That is beautiful. It reminds me of what I believe is the greatest gift that we as parents can give our children, which is to truly see them, really hear them, and then value them for who, and love them for who they are. That is just beautiful.

Right. Yeah.

And that to me really brings into the fold acceptance. Do you know?


And as a mindfulness practitioner, I’m a mindfulness teacher, I really like to bring to that definition is that mindfulness is being in the present moment with total awareness and acceptance. Do you know? So acceptance of ourselves, acceptance of others. So that’s another word that comes to mind is acceptance. Do you know?

Yes. Yes. And yet as busy moms, I have noticed the moms I talked to see acceptance is actually, they may not even notice it at first, but acceptance is a challenge, isn’t it?

It is. I agree. I think it is. I mean, we are so quick to accept everything, perhaps, that our children tell us or show us or present to us or run by us if you will. And I think that we bring a lot of our own stuff to what people might present to us. We have premeditative ideas, we have our own conditioning, and we had our own parenting.

I say that it’s interesting, one of my says who questions in my first book Says Who is, have I heard someone say this thought before because, in the method that I created, which is a questioning method for challenging negative and fear-based thoughts that we tell ourselves, the second question is really important and very telling which again is, have I heard someone say this thought before? And as a parent, I remember so many people would say to me, or I probably said like, “Oh my God. I said this to my kid today, and I was my mother!”


“My mother came through me!”

“My mother used to say to me!” Do you know?

Exactly! And isn’t that true that as we become parents, we think to ourselves, “Oh, I’ll never be like that? That’s one thing that’s in the past, I’m going to do this different thing.”

And yet we do find out that we end up falling into that pattern when we are not really quieting and listening to ourselves, but also questioning. Not in judgment, but in just being with ourselves and being with our children and just being that observer, kind of.

Yeah, exactly right. And not being so quick to rush to judgment, and not being so quick to impose maybe our fear. Our children can present things to us or say things to us, and we have to really maybe take that pause before we say something that might be us projecting something onto them that has to do with our own experience or our experiences from our paths or our own childhood.

Right. Which is, right, triggers.

We relive vicariously through our children our own traumas and challenges that we’ve been through.

Exactly the point.

Right. So when it comes up, I love the concept of pausing and questioning, where is this coming from?

Especially if you have a lot of energy around it, that’s why the mindfulness practice comes into all areas of our lives. And it really comes into parenting, because what it does is it gives us a mindful awareness of what we’re about to say. So we might feel something viscerally, we might feel something emotionally, when one of our children says something to us and we’re about to react from that place, as you said, a trigger, but if we can have the awareness that, am I saying this to them, because I’m in fear, am I saying this to them because I’m wanting to control, am I saying this because of my programming, or again, the way I do things?

I mean, I had a wonderful conversation with my two boys the other night, we sat around for dinner as a family and got into a really very powerful conversation about what’s going on right now and all the different things that are happening with COVID and with the Black Lives Matter movement and protesting and so many things. And the art of listening is really powerful. We were able to speak our own thoughts and share our own opinions. And I learned so much from them. Do you know?

All the while my husband and I were giving them our own opinions and our own advice and things like that. But you recognize that this is a conversation, in these conversations we want to really listen to one another. And it’s important for us to listen to our children and hear what they have to say.

Right. And the conversation is an exchange, right?

Absolutely. Yeah.

Yeah. There are two sides to the conversation.

That is right.

I love that. I love that. And we’re going to dive more deeply into this because I really do, I’m so excited to have you here for our listeners to really dive into that seeking calm and receiving resilience. Mommas that can do that are just so powerful in their ability to accomplish and to really experience the joy in life.

But before we go for the break, could you please tell everyone where they can find you, what the best place is to go?

I think the best place really is my website, which is On social media, most of my handles are my name, but I think that my website really covers everything.

Yeah, I’ve been there. It’s really cool.

So I hope everybody goes and checks it out. Yep. And there’s so much there, so much. Okay, so hang on, everybody, let’s talk more about seeking calm and receiving resilience later. We’ll be right back.

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