What is Transformational Antenna Theory? How does this theory relate to our emotions and karma? In this episode of the Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla and guest Les Jensen talk about Antenna Transformational Theory and consciousness as sources of our personification and identity. Les is the author of the book Citizen King: The New Age of Power. It is a book about the human soul born with a seed of vision, bringing a deep sense of satisfaction, joy, and fulfillment into life. Tune in and join Tonya and Les as they discuss more consciousness and how it is clouded with our emotions and images from the past.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello, everyone. Welcome back. Thank you so much for joining us again on the Science of Superpowers. I am so delighted to have you here with us and even more excited to introduce our guest today. You are in for such a treat here, folks.

We are going to talk today about transformational antenna theory, and I know you’re going, “What, the what”? But you’ve been around me for more than a minute. You know that we use words in the superpower universe in really unique ways. We use them in what, at least in the body of work that has come through me and maybe the truest sense when it comes to transformation and energy and how power works in the world.

And our guest today is such a phenomenal conduit for this yummy conversation about what is our true potential. What are we really talking about? It’s one thing to talk about dimensionality and frequencies and reverberations and the projection and broadcasting and all of those things. But, come on, Tonya, isn’t that just semantics or you’re just using fun words to get us interested so we actually just grow and learn to talk to our spouses better.

Well, maybe. But maybe there’s more to it, and I often say there are some stories that you don’t get to hear the end of until you choose to believe in them. And this may be one of those stories for you because while we do discuss frequency and energy and dimensionality and sometimes, that’s just used on the surface, these are very real concepts that if we learn how to harness them and their true potential, they have really clear guidance for how we can walk in the world and what we’re capable of.

And that’s what we’re talking about today. And so sit back and recognize your mind may want to do little flips and tricks and twists and turns, and it just doesn’t matter. Let them do what they’re going to do with the material, but feel this, sense this. Just sit in, take a deep breath, relax. If you’re driving, you can still take a deep breath and relax. You’ll pay attention to what’s going on around you, but be aware of the fact that if you allow it to, I suspect most of this will resonate somewhere in you, even if your mind doesn’t truly understand that, and that’s okay too. We’ll guide the mind. They’ll get there eventually. Everything is cool. You learn what you learn, and you’re going to know it on a cellular level, and it does take hold.

So trust in that process, and please, please, please join me in welcoming to the show our guest for today who’s a remarkable, remarkable person. He really doesn’t need an introduction. His book, Citizen King: The New Age of Power is out. And he’s so much more in the sense of that bigness piece. The second he starts talking, you’re going to feel it. It’s almost silly to try to introduce him because it can’t be encapsulated. And so instead, we’re going to dive in, and we’re going to listen to his wisdom because I think that’s the best introduction for who he is.

So without further ado, please join me in welcoming to the show, Les Jensen. Les, thank you so much for joining us today.

Activate Your Superpowers

Les Jensen:

Thank you so much for having me on the show. I’m delighted and excited to be here.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Brilliant. Very cool. Well, we are excited to hear your response to the question: what are your superpowers, and how are you using them for good?

Les Jensen:

Turns out, I source consciousness incarnate. In other words, the power that created the universe has personified in my own persona. And it turns out that the root of that power is love, but in order to convey love in a powerful way, we need to be able to embody it, to bring it into our persona. And the cosmic 2×4 cracked me open 25 years ago, and I had this huge upheaval of energy out of my persona in a very short period of time. And my reality changed in that instant.

And for 25 years, I’ve been scrubbing my psyche, and I realized that like Jesus said, “Here, hold my beer. You’re going to be doing everything I’m going to be doing and more,” and the way I’m bringing it as a vehicle of good into the human experience is I’m learning how to embody that and allow it to manifest in me, through me, as for me.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

So beautiful. I love that it Turns out you are funny.

I had a very similar moment where… I’ll never forget this. We were driving, actually, to CEO Space. We were driving from Arizona to Vegas. That’s where it was at the time. And you and I have that common connection here through our love and affection for Berny Dohrmann.  And I had been on this inquiry similar to you, right? The awakening happened, and then it’s like, “What, the what”? And then you spend the rest of your time trying to figure it all out. I love letting people know, “No, that was just the beginning. That just opened the door.”

And so the process for me at that time was sort of this, “I know I’m not my mind. Then what am I,”? I went through this whole, “Then what am I? And if I’m not that, what am I, and if I’m not that, what am I,” and I just kind of kept going and allowing this thing to unfold. I was a little suspect about where it might be taking me, but it just kept pulling on the thread because anything was better than not knowing, and so I just kept going and going and going.

And finally, we were in the car. It was just right on the precipice. I’m like, “I know I can see this. It’s right there.” And my husband said something. I can’t remember now what he said. And I just started laughing maniacally, and I was like… and he goes, “What is wrong with you?” And I was like, “Oh my gosh, the joke’s on us.” And he’s like, “What do you mean?” I was like, “We’ve been here along,” and I’m laughing. I was like, “There’s no journey.” And it was just this wonderful moment of real confusion, probably, for my husband and daughter. But in that of just, “As it turns out,” so it was just beautiful how you encompass that.

So what came through between us as we were gathering prior to the show was this concept of antenna theory, and we got to kind of share our backgrounds, but I want you to first share your background and your experience in the energy space, the power space because it’s so incredibly impressive. And I can just tack my little piece onto the end of how we arrived here together.

So please share with our listeners what that world has been to you, and what you’ve been to that world.

Les Jensen:

Sure. Well, my soul had me incarnate and engage in the vocation of broadcast television. And so I worked with television transmitters. These are extremely high-powered devices. Our electric bill for one month was $7,000. We would take 32,000 volts and modulate it and make a million-watt signal.

Now at the time when I was learning this material, I didn’t have a spiritual bone in my body. But to stand in front of one of these very, very powerful pieces of equipment, I had to respect it because it would kill me in an instant the moment I didn’t. And then when the cosmic 2×4 cracked me open and this immense amount of energy poured out of my psyche, it was exactly, exactly the same experience pressing the go button on a transmitter when this immense amount of energy would start flowing. And the engineer brain in me went, “Wow, what is that?”

And I realized that we are the personification of source consciousness, but how is it that we’ve lost our way? How are we disconnected from our root power? And we’ve done that by loading our psyche up with karma. What is karma? Karma is our own consciousness. Where does the energy of karma come from? Well, it’s our own consciousness suppressed and compressed into our subconscious. And as a result of that, when I released all that energy in that particular moment, it was anger. I was sitting on a psychiatrist’s couch, and this immense rapid river of energy is swelling out of my psyche, and I’m asking the anger, “Who the hell are you?” And the anger is like, “I don’t give a crap what you think of me.”

And in hindsight, I realized that our emotions and our karma are extremely impersonal. This is a mechanical behavior. And so my reaction to that energy was the karmic consequence, so to speak. And if you think about it… we need a way to quantify personal power. I could talk about gravity, and everybody understands gravity because they see the effect of gravity, but they don’t see gravity. Then we could talk about electricity and well, damn, we went centuries where nobody on the planet recognized electricity. That was much more ethereal.

Well, now we have human consciousness. How the hell do we mentally comprehend this power persona each one of us has unless we quantify it with just an arbitrary scale. If I put Jesus or Buddha or all the miracle folks at the top and a homeless person at the bottom, that gives me a logarithmic scale of human potential. Well, what determines where we are on that scale? How much we’ve loaded up our subconscious with karma. The homeless person is loaded up to the teeth, and if they get a cold tonight, they’ll pass away. And then blessed are the pure in heart for they shall know God.

It’s our purity. It’s the purity of our energy. If you think of the quantum field as a mirror and I show up covered in paint, covered in images from my past, I cannot create a pure outcome because energetically, I’m polluted and diluted, if that makes sense?

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Beautiful. It makes total sense. I love that introduction to it.

Folks, we’re going to talk so much more about this. I love a lot of what Les said. We’re going to dive into it. I know he covered a ton of territory, so you’re going to want to stick with us as we uncover the layers there and pull on some of those threads where Les, let’s let people know where they can go to find out more about you.

Les Jensen:

Sure, newhumanliving.com is where my material is. And lesjensen.com is more about my personal history and how I came about my philosophies.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Beautiful. We’ll have links to that on the episode page.

Folks, stay with us. We’re going to take a quick break. We’re talking today with Les Jensen about transformational antenna theory. You are not going to want to miss this, folks. Stay here. We’ll be right back.

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