What is Lit Up Leadership? Where did you get your leadership from? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla and guest John Francher talk about leadership and the presence of guidance that made it sturdy against the test of time. John Francher is a writer, business consultant, musician, and part-time pastor. He is a co-author of the book Memos from the Head Office:Channeling the Muse in Business and in Life, telling people as a leader, you do not have to do everything alone, you have to listen to the voice outside you, the muse as they call it in this book. Tune in and listen to Tonya and John as they talk about experiences brought about by the universe beyond the understanding and explanation of existing beliefs of humans.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Science of Superpowers. I’m so delighted that you’ve joined us here today. We’re in for a really, really great treat today. We’re going to have this beautiful conversation about a concept that’s so incredibly near and dear to my heart, and I’m passionate and adamant both about being really transparent about what happened here to create this network and this amazing business model/universe/multiverse/living, breathing organism that we get to play in in the superpower world.

And because without giving credit to the fact that this was completely guided, that it was an incredible walk of faith, that there was a lot of forging that happened along the way, there was a lot of, seriously, get somebody else conversations that happened to an entity that I referred to as God, and that’s the relationship that I had with it.

But over the years, we’ve talked to thousands of people who’ve had these interactions, and not everyone refers to it that way. And so part of the guidance was to bring everyone into the same conversation. And in order to do that, we have to be willing to at least exercise a suspension of our disbelief that would allow us to say, “Maybe we’re all talking about the same thing. Maybe we’re having shared experiences, but because we put them in our own constructs and frameworks, they seem to be separate or they seem to be diametrically opposed.” We see this mimicked in the intimate connections that we have with people when we stop believing in ourselves and identifying as separate bodies. The same is true when we look out into the macro kind of cosmic levels.

And so we’re talking today about lit up leadership, and we can encapsulate that in so many different worlds, but if you look at spiritual texts, philosophical texts, all of the leadership texts throughout history in the really, really good ones, the ones that have stood the test of time, there is a common thread, and it’s around guidance. It’s around where do you get your leadership from? What are you leaning into to help establish that?

And so we’re talking today with John Fancher. He and Perry Marshall wrote a book titled Memos from the Head Office: Channeling the Muse in Business and in Life, and I love this concept, and we’re going to dive into it with him. But John is a writer, business consultant, musician, and part-time pastor, and so you see this culmination of spaces, these bridging areas. And now, of course, he’s working at Planet Perry over there. And so that’s got its own exponential outreach, and we can start to see where these lit-up threads interconnect with each other.

And so this is another one of those conversations, folks. Just sit back, relax, and get ready to enjoy the ride. John, thank you so much for joining us today.

Activate Your Superpowers

John Fancher:

Thank you for having me, Tonya. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Well, we’re so glad you are.

We’re going to start you with our question of what are your superpowers, and how are you using them for good?

John Fancher:

What are my superpowers? Well, I suppose it would be writing. That’s what I do most. I spend all my day writing marketing material. I also write songs. I also write poetry, and so that’s the main thing that I do most and have done since, basically, since I could write is I’ve spent most of my time reading and writing.

But I guess on a little deeper level, I would say a superpower of mine is interpreting. So I think I have a good strength if there’s a theory or a concept that I’m trying to explain, and I think I have a superpower of coming up with metaphors or stories or just ways of interpreting things in simple, easy to understand terms.

One of the things I think that people don’t understand about writing and marketing writing, at least the ones who are not writers, is that the simpler you can write and the simpler you can make it, the easier it is to understand for people. So the ability to take a fairly complex idea and explain it in really simple, almost 5th-grade level terms is really important in what I do. I mean, I’m trying to do that every single day. I even have a grade level thing that I run copy through sometimes. And I go, “Well that says it’s at a 10th-grade level, so I need to revise that,” but that doesn’t happen to me very often anymore because I just write at a lower level because I try to keep things very simple.

But I think interpreting is one and as far as how are we using it for good or how am I using it for good? Well, I think that the book is an obvious one. I mean, one of the things that Perry and I are trying to do with this book Memos from the Head Office: Channeling the Muse in Business and in Life is to set up, sort of establishing a demilitarized zone around this concept of hearing from the… we call it the head office, and we call it the head office for a very, very specific reason.

But some people, as you mentioned earlier, some people call it God. Some people call it the higher power. Some people call it the universe. Some people have different names for it. And I think with a lot of issues that are important or controversial, you have two sides just basically throwing rocks at each other and not listening to each other and not trying to find a common ground.

And I think that’s what we’re trying to do with this book is find a common ground where we can go, “Hey, this isn’t… you don’t have to be a sort of mushy-headed person who believes in magic and has no logic and no rational thought processes to believe this stuff. And you can also believe it if you are a very rational person.” We try to give scientific evidence for this stuff, and we tell stories about it. And so basically, we’re trying to go… I think Perry and I once said, “We’re trying to offend Christians as much as atheists.”

Now, we weren’t really trying to offend them. But the point is still the same. It’s like we’re trying to make this a safe space for people in the middle who are interested in the topic of hearing from the universe, but are a little put off by the extreme sides if that makes sense.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Of course. A big part of it. We attract a lot of people who’ve had experiences, particularly with religious doctrine or dogma, and are not interested in hearing about God or church or anything but are having these undeniable experiences, and it’s important that we’re willing to see beyond constructs that were created before we were at the level of awareness we’re at now. Part of the game is to continually evolve, and that means we have to be willing to evolve the vernacular, the frameworks, everything else.

And we’re going to jump to a quick break. When we come back, I’m going to touch on a point that you mentioned here. Folks, obviously, you’re not going to want to miss the rest of this conversation. We’re going to dive into how you follow that, right? How do you know who you’re listening to? How do you know when it’s guidance, and how do you know when it’s your ego or your fear kind of taking hold? We’re going to touch on some of those when we come back from this break.

Before we do, John, where should we send people to find out more about you?

John Fancher:

Find out about me. Well, I would just send them to perrymarshall.com. 

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Perfect. Perfect. You can see all things, Planet Perry, there.

John Fancher:

Right. That’s the world I exist in.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Perfect, and we’ll have a link to that on the episode page.

Folks, stay with us. We will be right back. We’re talking today with John Fancher about lit-up leadership. Don’t miss it.

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