The Access and Inclusion Initiative

As part of our Co-Creative Initiative, we are deeply committed to radical methods that increase access and inclusion in our own sphere of influence. To that end, we are proud to announce the Super Power Experts Access and Inclusion (AI) Initiative.

And with it, the launch of scholarships, variable pricing and sponsorship options for all of our programs to offset budget restrictions for Social Impact Professionals and Organizations committed to changing the world.

As part of our commitment to social impact, we offer variable pricing or scholarship for all of our programs.

As a bold supporter of social change, your funds will be used to fuel our social impact missions like:
Supporting ongoing research & implementation of solutions at scale
Providing the Superpower Experience for Social Impact Organizations in need
Sponsoring a Sphere of Influence for a mission you care about
Supporting the Berny Dorhmann Scholarship for Social Impact Professionals

To learn more on how your organization can benefit from becoming a sponsor, please contact us for more information