Integrate Your Emotions

In a basic sense, if you find that you seem to know how other people feel, perhaps before, or more clearly than, others pick up on it, then you may be predisposed as an empath. This usually results in being able to access some clarity about what’s going on, even though that emotional energy is present.By contrast, if you find that it’s really difficult for you to get clarity if you’re feeling or sensing emotions, then Spirit may be communicating with you through that emotional energy, thus requiring you to master techniques to quiet any fear, sadness, agitation, irritation, frustration, etc. before attempting to seek clarity. Either way, the process of integrating the emotions is similar.

The reason why thought energy and emotional energy are broken into two steps is because they operate differently. While both impede your ability to continue listening to Spirit and walking forward in faith, they must be dealt with differently. Thought energy can be managed by refocusing your mind on other things in service to what Spirit is showing you. Emotions, on the other hand, must be integrated. If you try to think your way through dealing with emotions, they just go quiet and wait for another opportunity to express themselves. After enduring this many, many, many times, they tend to get irritated and become more aggressive in their expression. This leads to behavior issues in kids and adults alike, but, more importantly for this discussion, it disrupts the Divine’s natural pathways for co-creating with you. Thus shutting you off from the abundance and bounty the Divine presents.

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A big motivating factor guiding our thoughts and ability to manifest in harmony with the Divine is our emotional state. Some of us are designed with a predisposition to empathy and some of us receive intuition, Spirit’s voice, through emotional energy. This makes talking about emotions very challenging because it essentially operates as two different tools, depending on what path you are on and how you’re going to follow it.

In a basic sense, if you find that you seem to know how other people feel, perhaps before, or more clearly than, others pick up on it, then you may be predisposed as an empath. This usually results in being able to access some clarity about what’s going on, even though that emotional energy is present. By contrast, if you find that it’s really difficult for you to get clarity if you’re feeling or sensing emotions, then Spirit may be communicating with you through that emotional energy, thus requiring you to master techniques to quiet any fear, sadness, agitation, irritation, frustration, etc. before attempting to seek clarity. Either way, the process of integrating the emotions is similar.