Falling In Flow
What is the dangle, the prize, the lure, the ultimate accomplishment promised to us if we persevere through our superhero’s journey, complete with all of the personal development and spiritual growth work? What are we really journeying toward? Well, fasten your seatbelts, folks, this is going to be a wild ride! In this IM Series, Falling in Flow, we explore the magical, magnificent, miraculous world of co-creating with the Divine. And we learn the foundational steps that remind us how to get there and stay there, despite what we think we see in the projection.
From the moment we dip our toe into the expansive and creative flow of universal harmony, we know we’ll never be satisfied with anything less. But the journey to immerse ourselves completely in Spirit’s embrace often finds us falling in and out of flow more times than we can count. But there is a point. There is a goal. There is something worth persevering toward. There is a place we get to that supersedes even our most audacious dreams and visions. But before the inevitable final trust-fall catalyzes us into creative masters, holding the reins of infinite potentiality, we must first learn how to live life Falling in Flow. Join us now for this uplifting and guided series that invites you to lean in and ride the waves of your greatest potential.
The Series
This process of Falling in Flow is the answer so many people seek when banging their heads against the wall trying to figure out why their efforts, visions, and hard work don’t ever seem to “work” and why they can’t seem to figure out how to perform their mission, purpose, heart’s yearning or soul’s aspirations. Burdened with the weight of their highest visions, they pound away doing things the same way they’ve always done them without realizing that there’s only one way divinely inspired visions truly actualize. It’s only by harnessing the promise of God’s creative essence that we get the experience of seeing those visions come to life.
In this series, you’ll:
- Learn how to take deliberate steps to stay in step with God’s guidance for your life.
- Learn how to harness the inevitable power of maintaining a flow state with Spirit.
- Learn how to lean in and allow Source to show you the path of least resistance.