
There’s nothing new or even inherently troubling about human programming that discerns difference. Our survival is founded on the ability to assess an environment and everything in it to determine the best course of action to insure safety. However, when that discernment turns to gauging and valuing difference based on the shade of someone’s skin or association with a particular ethnic or racial group, we have separation that can lead to significant unrest. In this message of the Across the Divide IM Series, Tonya Dawn Recla and Dondrell Swanson talk about some of the factors that may catalyze an awareness about separation and how to navigate this phase of development. They credit Leadership 2000, a retreat they attended as students at Arizona State University, with guiding them to and through this very challenging part of the process. Watch now to learn how their training and experience allowed them to lead a student movement at one of the largest universities in the nation. 

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