David Gruder What does the future look like beyond 2020? It is hard to deny that 2020 has been a rough year for most of the world. In this episode of Incorporating SuperPowers, host Justin Recla and Dr. David Gruder reflect on and explore the reasons why 2020 seemed like a bad horror movie. More importantly, they discover the secret behind the only thing that can guide humanity into a more abundant and less gloomy version of reality well beyond the year 2020. Join Justin and David in this episode to discover what the future beyond 2020 looks like.

Activate Your Superpowers

Alrighty folks, you’ve seen him, you’ve heard of him, he’s been on my show a couple of times. This is one of my longest friends, one of my very first mentors in the business space, Dr. David Gruder and we’ve come together. This is the first time we’ve actually come together since the loss of one of our mentors, Bernie Dorman. This is actually the first time that we’ve connected, so I’m just going to throw it out there, right up the front. There’s a good chance that we’re going to be laughing, a chance that we’re going to be crying, and there’s a very high chance that we’re going to be cursing as well. So, I’m just going to set that framework, Dr. Gruder is one of the brilliant in this space. He’s known as America’s Integrity Expert. He’s done work that is just unbelievable, with The ManKind Project, with just all sorts of different businesses.

He’s mentored not only our business, but thousands upon thousands of others and helped them stay in alignment with their purpose and doing things better. And so we decided that we needed to come back together because 2020 has been kind of crazy, there’s all sorts of whatnot going on in the world. And so we’re dedicating today’s show to the future, well beyond 2020. And what does that look like for you as an individual, for you in business, for those that are in service, for the first responders, everybody? We’re going to kind of take it all lump it into a giant ball, we’re going to explore it. David, good to see you my friend, thank you so much for being on the show today.

It’s always wonderful to see you and to be with you on your show. And of course we always never know at the beginning, what kind of fireworks are going to come out of our conversations. So I’m looking forward to discovering that with you today too.

Absolutely, this is one of the reasons why just conversations, it’s pretty little backstory for those of you that don’t know. I got the courage to actually do this podcast because of conversations with David, because he gave me permission to be raw and real in camera and to speak my mind. And it was beautiful, it started off as, I think we’d get a couple of Facebook lives right together. We got raw and real for certain. It’s just evolved into this thing. And David, I just want to thank you because the show is now getting over 74,000 downloads a month, so thank you. And so folks, we’re going to jump right into this. I’m going to lay the foundation, okay. Here we go.

2020, this conversation around self-dominion keeps coming back into my mind, because you take a look out there and there are so many people and it doesn’t matter what side of the fence you’re on, left, right, black lives matter, all lives matter, it doesn’t matter what side of the fence you’re on. But at the center of it, there’s no self-dominion because everybody’s wanting to point fingers at who’s doing what, and who’s doing this, and this is doing that. And they’re wanting to blame political parties or wanting to play their lot in life, they’re wanting to blame it all. And yet you and I know firsthand from experience that at the end of the day change. If we’re going to have change beyond 2020, well beyond 2020 is, that has to start with us. And it doesn’t matter what we look like, it has to start with the I. So given that as the framework of the conversation, a lot of people would say 2020 has been hell. How do we move forward? What does that look like?

Right, so I think one of the places we could start is to lay a little groundwork around why it’s been hell. Because there’s an old saying in the field of medicine and psychology, which is “treatment without diagnosis is malpractice.” And so let’s do a little diagnosis about this.

Here’s what I want to start by proposing, in the 1800s there was a debate raging about health that as I described this, you’re going to immediately see how it applies to the state of society and the state of self-dominion in specifically as well, in specific as well. And that is, the debate that was raging was between the germ theory and the inner terrain theory. The germ theory held and holds that outside invaders are the boss of our health. And the inner terrain theory holds that yes, there are outside invaders, but it’s the state of our internal climate that determines how susceptible we are or aren’t to those things going on around us.

You know and I know, and I think our viewers know which of those two approaches won that war in the 1800s and are still winning that war. It’s the germ theory approach. And so from a diagnostic point of view, what we’ve got is far too many people who have been brainwashed and programmed into having what we call in my home field of psychology, an external locus of control. Meaning that other people in situations are the boss of me, so they’re doing the psychological equivalent of the germ theory approach. And when COVID hit, not just as a germ, but as a social phenomenon, these people with an external low locus of control kept looking outside for their savior for their solution.

And as you were talking about a moment ago. Depending on their ideology or political orientation, that determined where they looked for those external answers and all of that, no matter where they looked outside themselves begs the issue of self dominion, totally begs the issue of self dominion, the art internal terrain. And so what we have is a societal disease of external locus of control, of external locus of power, of external locus of defining what happiness is. All of those things, external locus of defining what human nature is, has divorced us from our own internal wisdom and our personal experience of higher wisdom that we’re a part of. So I think that’s our starting place for my perspective.

This is good folks stay tuned, because when we get back from the break, we’re going to widen this rabbit hole even further. Because, this right here is one of the best ways that I ever heard the issues in our society described today. I’m very familiar with it cause David and I have had multiple conversations around this topic over the last eight, nine years now. You want to change the future well beyond 2020, stay tuned, but before we go. David, where can people go find more information about you?

So the main website of mine is drgruder.com.

Fantastic folks, go take a look at Dr. David Gruder’s website. We’ll be right back as we’re going to widen this rabbit hole even further, and you’re not going to want to miss it because it goes deep. Stay tuned, we’ll be right back.

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