The Gifts

What are the gifts we need to envision new humanity? Do you believe that what some think of as peculiar or insane might be a special gift for somebody else? In this episode of Messages of Infinite Light, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Courtney Marchesani explain the difference between insanity and the gifts of the highly sensitive. The gifts of the highly sensitive include four types – sensitive intuition, sensitive empath, sensitive expression, and sensitive visionary. Courtney is the owner and Holistic Health Coach of Inspired Health and Wellness. Together with Ayn, they emphasize that each of us has a unique combination of gifts that make us valuable and needed in this world. Tune in to this episode, and together we dream of a new and refreshed world where we can thrive with the help of the gifts.

Ayn Cates Sullivan:

Welcome light travelers! This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Messages of Infinite Light, where we envision a new and evolving humanity. We’ve got this! We can do it! So, I have a lot of people coming on with conversations about solutions. I’m really excited about this! If you want to hear more, you can go to Or if you want to go into our spiritual roots, you can go to I’ve got lots and lots of episodes there. And if you want to read about things, you can go to We have solutions, we’re growing everywhere!

Humanity is evolving. It might feel as if, you know, the world is crumbling apart. But, you know, if a butterfly is going to move out of the chrysalis and take flight, it does actually need to engage itself in its own metamorphosis. A new dream, you know, and if you’re flying into a new dream, you probably need new skill sets and they might be more intuitive. They might require the body to sense a little differently. It might require that we can actually lucid dream with each other or step into the future and come back. So, lots happening, you know, lots. Many, many things are unfolding. We tend to hear one agenda. Here I’m inviting lots and lots and lots of different views.

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I’m the author of the Legends of the Grail series. And many of the stories are set in a time when the Romans’ armies have left Britain and there are warring tribes everywhere. Everything’s falling apart. Nobody knows what’s going on. We’re in this kind of void time. And then Merlin comes out of the forest, right? So, King Arthur emerges as the divinely chosen and inspired leader. And with the help of Merlin, of course, who is intuitive, who is the visionary, who is the one who can see into the future, the prophet, and Nimue, his feminine counterpart, together they’re able to bring people, for a period of time, into unity at the Round Table.

Unity consciousness is a frequency. It’s not Marxist domination in control, but it’s a model of liberation. And in order to make this leap, we must begin to understand direct knowing. To understand direct knowing, we have to understand ourselves. We have to locate ourselves in our bodies in the present moment and trust what we find there. And this, again, reminds me of this mythological figure, Merlin, who appears in every age. Merlin always appears for each generation, and we know he has special gifts. He can read the flights of birds, he can speak to trees and animals, he has the gift of intuition and even prophecy. And these skill sets help Arthur establish his kingdom. Arthur has got a different set of skill sets, different gifts, right? So, he’s in body, he’s the warrior. And, you know, Nimue, on the other hand, has yet another set of skill sets. And so does Guinevere. All the characters, all the players are needed in the unfolding drama and all of their skill sets are slightly different, but together they work.

So, really like Merlin and the whole Arthurian crew, we must learn to trust what our bodies are telling us. The feelings that arise, the intuitive messages that we hear, the dreams and the visions that arise, and the way in which we feel the world around us and the way that we express because our words act rather as spells. We’re creating the world we’re living into. So this might feel strange or scary or even crazy-making at first. But our unique gifts are what make us human. Ultimately, you know, we’re creators.

This is why I support literature and the arts as well as scientific and mystical exploration. I mean, I think it’s great to have a private journal or even a series of journals where we can dream and draw and create. I mean, look at Carl Jung and his Red Book. He started a whole movement with what he did by listening to his inner world. So, human beings are creator beings. Remember that. We have more powers than we’ve even begun to tap into. It’s often said that the truth will set us free, and we can only sense what the truth is because the truth constantly changes. That’s the trouble. As soon as you write it down, it’s not the truth anymore. We must learn to trust our creative design.

My guest today is Courtney Marchesani, a woman who has embraced the science of sensitivity. Courtney reminds us that each one of us has a special gift and potentially a combination of gifts. Some people are visionaries. As I’ve said, I’m pointing it out again but I want you to hear it. Some people are visionaries, others are intuitive or empathic, or others must express themselves creatively. So, today we will be exploring the emerging gifts that many people are awakening to, and how to recognize and harness these gifts. We recently did an episode on Wisdom of the Ages called Highly Sensitive People, which I encourage you to listen to also. In that episode, Courtney Marchesani defines the difference between the sensitive intuitive, the sensitive empath, the sensitive expressive, and the sensitive visionary. And there’s also a test you can take to find out what you are, which makes it even more personal and more interesting, right?

I’m going to take a quick ad break, and when we come back, we’re going to explore the emerging gifts that people might be experiencing and what this might mean for the trajectory of humanity. So, if you want to know what type of sensitivity you have, check her out. Check Courtney out on, and you’ll be able to figure out something about your own personal gifts. So, stay tuned, I’ll be right back.

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