What is the healing sound and how does it work? In this episode of High-Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaria is joined by guest Alan Brunton as they talk about the healing sound. Alan shares his healing superpower, which is the use of frequencies to enhance human life. Alan also talks about how to manipulate and identify harmony and sound to filter out noise pollution and eventually, use it to our benefit. Join AngelaMaria and Alan in today’s episode to know more about the healing sound. 

Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the SuperPower Up! hosts, and you are listening to the High-Frequency Healing Show, awaken superpowers through higher dimension healing. The only difference between where you are to where you want to be is the actions you take here and now to heal your life. So let’s take a deep breath and be here and now, I invite you to enjoy this time together. So here we go. Let’s welcome Alan Brunton. Did I pronounce it right Mr. Brunton?

You absolutely nailed it.

Now you steal my show. We will be talking today about healing sound. Alan is native to Texas, born in Dallas, raised in Amarillo or Amarijo in Spanish, is a visionary and developer of a software platform aimed at enhancing optimal performance and human potential through targeted frequencies in digital audio, which results in a healthier body, mind, spirit, and environment; audio engineer and musician.

Activate Your Superpowers

Alan’s life has always included a great awareness to sound. His dedication to bringing influencing technology to the world is shown by great enthusiasm and compassion. Alan’s leadership and entrepreneur skills have previously been documented in many different ways and areas from Texas all the way to the east coast of the United States.

His successful airing, 18 months of the artsy cooking show, made for television Food for Love was groundbreaking entertainment and included several published cookbooks to follow the series. Alan’s audio engineering studio, Allegro Data Systems Entrée Nous, Inc., a Texas Corporation was focused on archiving magnetic tape to secure one of a kind recordings from Scripps Institute of Oceanography, including never before released conversations with Jacques Cousteau, the Dallas Symphony, Southern Methodist University, and many, many more all around the world. This is fascinating. So please join me to welcome Alan Brunton’s healing sound today with me.

Hello Alan, welcome to my show. It’s a pleasure to have you here.

I’m so happy to be here. This is going to be so much fun. I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks now.

So cool. Let’s just start and tell us what’s your healing superpower?

Actually, it’s really not mine because this is stuff that comes from nature, but I’m pretty sure that your show does cover specific frequencies, that there are people in the mindset that will submit themselves to specific frequencies. And then with technology added everything from like Binaural Beats, and then others are going to be using things like tuning forks and crystal bowls and Tibetan bowls and gongs that all are manufactured using one specific frequency and even… therapists that use all of these different crystal bowls are all set on one specific frequency.

Me. I love crystal balls.

And what I have done than is done some research on how very well-known Research and Development Organizations like MIT, Harvard, Oxford, Johns Hopkins, and the Mayo Clinic have all been doing the same thing, but with the electronic versions of specific frequencies, where they have taken electrodes and applied them to the test subjects and found an identified specific frequencies that will raise the cognitive ability of the human brain, which is exactly the same thing that people are doing with these other items, like the crystal bowls and the tuning forks, etc. Then I cross-referenced that with an application called Simatic, which is the observation of how sound moves matter, and when I saw that someone had taken a stereo speaker, laid it on his back and then poured fine sand on it and turned on a frequency generator and raised the amplification raised the volume of it.

You could see that the sand was just bouncing up and down until they modulated to a specific frequency. Well, that specific frequency was the same frequency that is being used in these manufactured crystal bowls and tuning forks, as well as the same documented frequencies that all these other R&D facilities that were using EEGs to measure a higher brain cognitive ability, they’re all the same. I said, all of those frequencies now then are in all the digital audio that we listened to, all the music, all the podcasts, all the corporate training, books on audio, where is the software that will identify where those are, where those specific frequencies are within the digital code, the ones, and zeros so that I can manipulate it to reduce the harmful frequencies, or actually slow down the white noise, and you probably know people that subject themselves to white noise so they can go to sleep.

Whether it’s a fan in the background next to the bed or even a white noise generator. I also identified that all digital audio has white noise in it. What I have done, create software that will first take a digital audio file to locate where these are and they’ll analyze all of the code locate where these good frequencies are, lock onto them. And then I’ve created a formula to reduce the percentage of the white noise volume, the amplitude. Without changing the quality of the recording, the user now has more energy, less stress, and a higher cognitive focus.

Alan, I really tried to follow you. Let me see if I summarize it in the right way. Your healing superpower is basically the use of frequencies to enhance human life.


The manipulation, identifying the harming, the sounds and just clarify, like purify the sound so we can use it for our own benefit.

Yes. We’re filtering out a lot of the noise pollution that is found in all digital audio.

I moved. I’m fascinated by these because it’s, wow! Now I understand more about why those bowls and the music that you find now on YouTube, the 963 HZ The God Frequency and 428 HZ and 532 by Norell, all of those things. Now I understand what was the point. Why is it different from any other kind of music or sounds I may listen to in any older kind of music? Why are these so important and special? And I want to just start knowing a little bit more about you. Would you please take us back to your early years and name one memorable life lesson that is useful for you today?

Well, as you said, part of my understanding and my draw towards music is that I started singing when I was five years old and my parents always rewarded me whenever I finished a song and I was up on stage. All through kindergarten and grade school and high school in college, I just loved being on stage singing. I was also a professional opera singer and I went on to sing opera. And there’s just something that quite a few musicians will understand that there is a specific frequency that once a musician gets subjected to that, it changes their world, it changes their perception, it elevates all of their human energy and their cognitive abilities so that they’re making smarter decisions and better choices. I just have been working on this project now for the past seven years, and we’re getting ready to take it to very large corporations so that we can try to get it to the mass population so that all of humanity can be functioning and their thoughts in an optimal way to raise the cognitive ability of all of humanity.

Wow. We’ve been talking about healing sounds and we are going to take a break, but before we go to a break, where can people go to find out more about you?

My website and the technology that I’ve done, I mean, I am on LinkedIn, but the website is cymatrax.com, which actually half of the word is short for Cymatics and Trax is short for audio tracks. There they can find and see testimonials and people that are using it from NASA and PhDs, corporate trainers, and people that do have their own recordings. They can actually upload their recordings right there, and within just a few moments, they’ll have a rendered new output files so that they can listen to it and use them it and train the brain into a new optimized way of thinking

Guys, listeners, we’ve been talking with Alan Brunton about healing sound. When we come back from this short break, we’re going to talk more about his healing superpowers. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back.

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