What paradigm are you living in? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes talks about the two paradigms of today. There is the paradigm of the collective, and there is the paradigm of the new earth or the expansion reality. There is the experience of being in between, but Jewels explains that as we shifted into 2021 that in-between no longer exists. Therefore, we find ourselves no longer exist in that in-between space. Tune into this episode to know more about the paradigm that you are living in.

Blessings, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth and this is the Reprogramming Reality Series. Today, I wanted to do a quick show on the two paradigms that are existing right now. It used to be that in our past, you could say that there was the paradigm of what I would call the collective, or there is the paradigm of what I would call the New Earth or the Expansion Reality, and then there was the experience of being in between. And now that we have shifted into 2021, that in-between no longer exists. What we find ourselves in is either the old paradigm or we’ll call it the new paradigm and that in-between space is just not where we exist anymore. And this is why we feel such a huge fluctuation and what it is we’re feeling. We’re either really in the reality of what it is that’s being created, in this very expanded high-frequency place where miracles really start to happen, the magic really starts to happen. We’re just blown away by what is available to us in the way we manifest and the way we connect with others, the feeling of connection. All of those beautiful things that we experience in the new paradigm.

And then the old paradigm is a completely different experience. It truly is the experience of the resistance pattern of whatever it is that is showing up. And I find it fascinating that a lot of our spiritual leaders, you can see which paradigm they are existing in and I think that most of us can tell which paradigm that we are existing in. Even though we feel as though it’s important to speak out, we just want to check in to see what it is that we’re speaking out about. Are we speaking from a space of resistance to what is being shown to us, or are we speaking out from a place of meeting what it is that’s being shown to us and bringing it into a higher frequency?

Let’s just really sit with that. I’m gonna say it again. In one paradigm, we’re meeting what we are seeing with resistance and speaking from a place of resistance in order to create change. And then the new paradigm we meet what is being shown, we create a neutral space around it and then bring it to a higher frequency where we truly are creating a completely different reality. This is the split between the new earth and the old paradigm. It is how we can all have a similar experience but have completely different experiences because of our choice around which paradigm we want to exist in. I want to say that again, that we have a choice of which paradigm we want to exist in. When we’re seeing the chaos in the world and we’re choosing to go into resistance and that even if we think that we’re helping the situation by trying to change it from a place of resistance, are we, are we changing it? Because I feel like if that was true, the changes would have already happened. Resistance does not create change it creates more resistance.

A great example of this is creating healing. When we are trying to create healing in the body, in the mind, in the spirit, in the way we feel and we’re coming from a place of, I don’t want to feel this way, I don’t want to experience this, and we are trying to create change from that place. There’s a really good chance that we’re going to not only not have the change that we’re looking for, but there’s a very good chance that we’re going to amplify the very thing that we’re in resistance of until we can move into the neutrality of the experience altogether. When we try to create change because we’re coming from a place of, I don’t like this and I want to force change, then the change will only happen when we move into the place of acceptance. And then move into what is after acceptance and that’s full neutrality.

That’s what I want to talk about. We’re going to go on a quick break, but before we do, I want to invite you into our soul community, it’s eternalfrequency.co. Where we do live readings, Ohm codes, DQ, we have skincare Q and A, intuitive guidance around how to create a conscious skincare routine. It’s just so much fun and everyone is just so welcoming. We invite you into this space. And again, that’s eternalfrequency.co. We’ll be right back.

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