Have you ever heard of the New Earth Station? Do you ever feel a sudden want to become more aware of the New Earth we have by reflecting on yourself? In this episode of the Reprogramming Reality Series of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes talks with co-host Erika Barth about putting up a retreat center called the New Earth Station. Here, they can create a portal that raises frequency levels to a point where people can connect with the reality of the new earth or what they also call as heaven on earth. Listen in and discover how you can reflect heaven here on earth by allowing yourself to elevate your state of consciousness.

Namaste Soul family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness. This is the reprogramming reality series, and I have my co-host Erika. Hi, Erika.

Blessings everybody. We’re so glad that you can join us today. We have exciting, exciting things to share.

Oh my gosh. It’s just every time I think it can’t get any better, it just keeps getting better. So in the last episode of the reprogramming reality series, we talked about launching new earth pathways, creating the new earth native membership, and since then I have gotten this huge download. This is a non-profit organization and all funds are going to create the new earth station. So this is going to be a retreat center where we create a portal to raise the frequency to a level where when people enter this frequency, they are able to reflect the reality of the new earth or heaven on earth. And that’s only the beginning.

Right? Just let that sink in for a minute because we’re creating and claiming heaven on earth and what we know up to this point is we’ve been reflecting on evolution so how amazing is it going to be when we get to reflect heaven on earth, live it, and it’s no longer an illusion, but our reality.

I claim that right now. And just because we are claiming this and we’re claiming that we’re new earth natives, my state of consciousness has elevated in this last week so intensely that it’s almost like breaking down those old illusions to a place where… and It’s not uncomfortable. I really thought it was going to be uncomfortable, but I will say that sometimes the frequency of the new level of consciousness that I’m moving into is so extreme that I’ll go through long periods of time where I’m so in this high frequency that my reflection is also breaking down to the point where I almost have to lay down or tune out for a small amount of time in order to rebalance myself.

I love that.

It’s been intense. So, I want to go ahead and go to break so that we can really dive into what the new earth station is and if you are interested in being a part of the new earth pathways, creating this new earth station, just go to newearthpathways.com, you’ll read a little bit more about the 144,000 that will be tipping the scale of global consciousness to the 51% being awake and find out what you get with this membership.

So if this is calling to you, just go there, read it. It’s $9.47 to become a new earth native and to start amplifying ascension. And I can tell you it works because I am experiencing it myself and I know you are too, Erika.

It’s powerful. We are awakening, we are here, we are ascending, and we’re claiming what is ours.

It gives me bubbles. It gives me butterflies, just talking about it. I do feel really bubbly right now. So go to newearthpathways.com and we’ll be right back after break.

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