Breaking down the illusion of duality in the mind is so powerful and necessary right now. To be able to reflect what is actually going on inside us, we have to start clearing the duality within ourselves. In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Jewels Arnes with co-host Erika Barth talk about diving deep into the betrayal of the mind to clear and break the illusion that duality exists with us. Listen in as Jewels and Erika discuss how we can continue to activate the higher elevated frequencies of our mind to break illusions and reflect an entirely different reality.

Namaste soul family. This is Jewels and I have our co-host, Erika Barth with us today, and this is Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And this is the Reprogramming Reality series.
Blessings everyone. Thank you for joining us. It’s so awesome to be here.
So I am really excited to go into this universal clearing that we’re going to do today. And we’re going to be looking duality straight on and breaking down the illusion of duality.

So powerful and so necessary right now.

It’s really necessary and it’s really fascinating to watch duality playing out in society right now but the thing that we want to focus on more than that, because we are only reflecting what is actually going on inside of us. And it all starts with clearing duality within the self, and that’s what we’re going to do today.

Oh my gosh. I’m excited. And it just is perfect timing because you and I just talked about getting the downloads and how we as people, as individuals are coming to understand that there is a betrayal of the mind that we’re clearing a betrayal of the mind. And it really when you dive deeper into that, it’s clearing and breaking that illusion of duality that exists within us. So this is just such an exciting time to clear this healing universally.

What I love about that word betrayal of the mind, because if we really sit with what it means to break the illusion is because our belief systems are based on what we believe is real and not real. And when all of a sudden we are given the truth or even another layer of truth, let’s say that it does not meet the belief system or is even saying that belief system is no longer true. We do feel a sense of betrayal if we’re still locked in to the frequency of that belief system.

Yes, and I feel as though, as we are evolving and as we are ascending, that it is becoming more and more clear that things that no longer resonate with us are coming to surface and we’re looking at it square in the eye and be like, “Wait a minute. I don’t believe this. Why is this in my system? Why do I have this illusion built?” And so it’s so effective and so powerful, just even being aware of what our mind has been doing. And just to know that we’re greater and more powerful than the mind, then that’s it we’re just greater and more powerful than what our mind gives us.

Absolutely and as we continue to activate those higher elevated frequencies of our mind, we truly do start to reflect an entirely different reality. And that I feel as a really big part of what you were talking about with the betrayal of the minds, because it’s almost as if the mind is turning around and looking at itself and is trying to decide, “Is this even real? Is this what I want?” And then, “What is it that I really do want?” And there’s going to be part of our mind, the more reptilian part that is going to hold on to reality, it knows with everything it has. And that’s why this other, this more expanded, what I call the divine mind that we all are capable of living in is the part of the mind that’s kind of looking back at the ego mind is like, “No, there’s actually another way.” But the illusion needs to break down in order to have that happen.


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And I love that you brought up the different minds because when we’re saying mind we are, we’re talking about the ego mind, the reptilian mind, the 3-D mind as we’re evolving and accessing parts of our mind that are divine, the divine mind. And so that’s really what we’re talking about when we’re saying breaking the illusion of the betrayal of the mind, the old programs, the old patterns, the old frequencies that no longer serve and resonate with us.

The wiring that we are all wired and we begin to be wired. Just, I think they say between 3:00 and 7:00 is the most intense time that our brains are wired to create belief systems. And we’re way past that now. We are moving into a completely different, what am I trying to say, elevated states of what is possible. And it’s just about turning around, looking at the belief system in the face and then just saying no, and then creating something completely different.

And the more that we do that, the more we start to reflect on that different reality. And I do want to talk about that reflection a little bit more, but let’s go ahead and just go into a really quick break. And when we get back, we’re going to talk more about breaking down the illusion of duality and do some downloads and some clearings here. We’ll be right back.

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