A lot of people have different perceptions about ascension upgrade. In this episode of the Reprogramming Reality Series, hosts Jewels Arnes and Erika Barth talk about how to clear the belief system that ascension is hard and when you ascend, you will only experience suffering or loss. Join them now as Jewels and Erika talk about how you can reprogram your cellular structure to hold the frequency of joy, peace, love, and ease thru ascension

Namaste, soul family. This is Jewels, the host of Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth. I have my co-host, Erica Barth, and we are going to be doing the Reprogramming Reality Series. Today, we are going to do universal clearing. So we’re going to connect to the universal cell and do a clearing, but before we do, let’s just check in and say hi to Erica.

Hey, Jewels. Hello, soul family. Just sending everybody so much love and big, big virtual hugs.

Oh my gosh, I feel it. I feel the love in the air and I have a feeling that this episode is going to be really, really intense. So before we go into doing a universal clearing, let’s just talk a little bit about what a universal clearing is and how we can reprogram ourselves on a universal level. So, Erica, why don’t you just talk a little bit about how when we clear one cell, whether it’s in our own body or we’re clearing it on somebody else, how we are all actually still receiving that clearing?

Well, because we’re all connected frequency-wise, so we all have a frequency that’s a collective consciousness. So as we are upgrading ourselves and healing from past programming, we actually get to collectively heal and shift as a whole, as one, because at the end of the day, what we’re searching for and what our goal is, is unity consciousness and unity wholeness and completeness. So as we upgrade our DNA, other DNA and others are also upgrading at the same time through frequency. I mean, I think that’s the beauty of this work is that it’s all done through energy and frequency, which a lot of people are familiar with but still don’t quite grasp the concept of it. So it’s just allowing the vibration to penetrate the cells to help you take the cells into upgrading our highest human potential by frequency and vibration.

So beautiful. And it is, it’s all about frequency and vibration, and then what we create in the reflection of that vibration, or you could say what we create in our reality with that vibration or frequency, and if our cells are holding a higher frequency, it’s not only going to change the environment, our bodies, but it will change the environment of what our consciousness can receive and move beyond what our consciousness can receive, which is the beauty of what we’re doing right now, is we’re really elevating to a level where we can start to create a reality outside of what our imagination can even perceive. Ascension Upgrade

I love that. I mean, and we all came from source. Our souls came from source. Similar to a snowflake, we all have unique individual gifts to offer, but our programming that during this time that we chose to be here, that our souls chose to come down to, we are clearing the same programs. We are upgrading the same way and we are changing our DNA because that is something that we all have very similarly.

So in order to do these frequency healings and this universal healing, we, as a collective, get to shift and upgrade and ride that high. Even though, again, we have our own unique individual journey as a snowflake, we are actually a part of the grand scheme of things going back to Source and connecting back to Source where we are one.

We are one, and that’s what this show is all about. It’s elevating to the consciousness of oneness and experiencing the divine mind, which, within the divine minds, there is no separation. There’s even no need to exist, you can even say, because the concept of even existing no longer exist. That’s a whole another show, but we’re going to just take a really quick break so that when we get back, we can really dive in, connect to the universal clearing, and we can all raise in frequency together. So we’ll be right back as we discuss more on Ascension Upgrade.


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